A 17-Year-Old Girl Found Complete Recovery From PCOD With Homeopathy

A 17-year-old girl, Ms. H.S.J. (PIN: 27578) visited Life Force for her treatment of vitiligo in December 2015. She was suffering vitiligo from the past 10 years of her life. At the time of noting her case history, she also mentioned her complaints of acne and obesity. After going through her case history in detail, Dr. Shah advised her to do USG Abdomen Pelvis in Dec 2015.
The patient got it done in August 2016 and was diagnosed with PCOD. Her acne complaint was aggravating. She also had a complaint of hair fall. The major concern for the girl was Hirsutism (Facial hair), though her menses were regular. Even weight gain was traumatic for the patient. She was already been taking homeopathy from Life Force. Her father opted for additional treatment for PCOD as well. After going through her case history in detail, the USG reports, and the presenting symptoms, Dr. Shah suggested her treatment of 2 years.

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The USG report of Abdomen and Pelvis did on 27th August 2016:
Uterus – NAD
Both ovaries are mildly enlarged in size and show multiple small peripherally arranged follicles (4-5 mm) and increased central stroma.                                                                                                              
Left ovary shows a dominant follicle measuring 1.44cm.
Suggestive of Polycystic Ovarian Disease
The patient started treatment with Life Force from November 2016. After studying her case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed her medicines.
In first follow up itself, the patient had experienced an improvement of about 15%, In the following follow-up, the patient showed improvement in her relief from the complaints. Her menses were regular as before. And, her other complaints, such as facial hair growth and frequency of acne, were reduced. Dr. Shah guided the patient with a proper diet and explained the importance of exercise as well which helped in achieving an overall recovery from the patient's concerning condition. Besides this, the patient's vitiligo was also under control. The patient was showing signs of improvement in every follow-up. The patient was advised for Fresh USG by Dr. Shah. The patient repeated USG Abdomen Pelvis in Dec 2018.
The USG report of Abdomen & Pelvis done on 26th December 2018: 
Uterus: Nad
No Significant abnormality detected in the present study
The patient is doing great now and is very happy with the results in both her cases i.e. of PCOD as well as Vitiligo.

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and proper homeopathic treatment go hand in hand to obtain recovery in case of PCOS. Conventional medicine accepts that there is no cure for PCOS but just controls the symptoms, while Homeopathy has been offering complete recovery from PCOS for the last two centuries.
This is a syndrome with a lot of symptoms in different systems and which are often long-standing. It may take a long time for changes and recovery to occur. And, that’s the only reason why people choose Homeopathic remedies for PCOD, as they are made of natural substances with zero side-effects and are highly recommended for PCOD.

Written by Dr. Shraddha J, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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