A 12-Year-Old Got Excellent Relief From Asthmatic Bronchitis With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 12-year-old child, Master X.F. (PIN: 26746) visited Life Force Homeopathy in Chembur on 12th of September 2015.

The child was suffering from Asthmatic bronchitis since the age of 8. During the episodes of Asthma, he used to experience breathlessness on mild physical activity. He was suffering from a cough with expectoration. Occasionally, a runny nose was also experienced during the episodes. Intense wheezing sound with difficulty in breathing used to affect the child. There was also throat congestion, at times, along with pain. All his complaints were accompanied by fever. These discomforting complaints used to bother him every month. And, they would last for 4-5 days. The intensity of the condition was moderate to severe.

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His complaints would worsen due to the exposure to the dust or by the change in the weather, on having cold drinks, and due to physical exertion. The patient was on conventional treatment from four years.

When he visited Life Force the first time, the patient was taking conventional medicines as well. The patient was advised to continue the same initially, as his body dependency was high on the same.

The entire case history was taken in detail with an emphasis on aggravating factors and triggers. The case was assessed by Dr. Shah and patented homeopathic medicines found by Dr. Shah were prescribed to the patient.

After four months of taking medicines in January 2016, there was an improvement of around 50% in the patient’s relief from the condition. The intensity of the episodes had reduced. The episodes, which earlier lasted for 4-5 days, lasted for 3-4 hours now. There was only one mild episode in two months. The patient experienced no need to take conventional medicines in the last two months.

In July 2016, the patient’s relief from the condition was improving. There was one mild episode when the patient was exposed to the smoke from a dumping ground. This was a trigger and a mild difficulty was experienced by the patient. There were no recent episodes of fever, unlike before. The wheezing had also reduced significantly. The patient’s overall asthmatic bronchitis complaints were very mild.

By December 2016, the patient’s condition was better by 60% with regards to his relief from the intensity of the complaints. There was no episode of asthma experienced by him in the last three months, and he didn’t experience the need to take conventional medicines anymore.

In July 2017, mild difficulties were experienced by the patient as there were weather changes. The patient also had junk food which worsened the issue. The patient experience one moderate episode, which lasted for 2-3 days. His medicines were revised accordingly and given to him.

Till June 2018, there were no episodes of Asthmatic bronchitis experienced by the patient, and the patient was given maintenance doses to improve his overall immunity.

By June 2019, the patient’s asthmatic bronchitis episodes had reduced from once in a month, which used to occur earlier, to once in 6 months. The same occurred whenever there was a trigger to the condition experienced by the patient. The immunity of the patient had highly improved compared to earlier with the homeopathic medications.

By December 2018, there has been an overall improvement of around 75% in the relief from all his complaints. The episodes are no more accompanied by fever. Running nose has completely resolved. Mild breathing issues occur when exposed to severe changes in the food or environment.

The patient is still under the maintenance doses to improve the immunity and get the condition treated from the root level. The patient is happy with the treatment.

Seeing his improvement with homeopathic treatment at Life Force, the patient’s mother, younger brother, and father got motivated to get started with the treatment from Life Force for their respective health issues. The entire family is currently under the medical care of Life Force and happy for choosing Homeopathy.

This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating asthmatic bronchitis remarkably and safely without any side-effects.

Written by Dr. Neethu Krishnan, Associate doctor to Dr. Shah

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