100% Relief From Anxiety Disorder With Homeopathic Treatment At Life Force

A 44-year-old lady from Karnataka, Mrs. M.K. (PIN:16248) started online treatment at Life Force in June 2011 for the treatment of Anxiety disorder. 

She was suffering from this condition for the past few months. She was feeling suffocated in dark and closed places. She was not able to go to a crowded area. Whenever she has to take the lift, she used to get panic attacks. She was even unable to travel in flight. She used to feel that she should run away from that area or that particular situation. She was experiencing the fear of darkness, staying alone, etc. She used to get mood swings frequently. She was experiencing episodes of sudden palpation or breathlessness due to anxiety. She also had a complaint of hypertension, but it was under control with conventional medicines.

Her appetite was normal. She had an average thirst for water. Her sleep was normal and had no issues with regard to it. She had a happy married life. She had a son. He was 15 years old. There was no stress present in her life.

She was happy by nature, but she used to get irritated often. Sometimes, the patient used to feel depressed also. She normally preferred to be quiet and did not express her feelings. She was not on any medication as such.

There were no major illnesses in her past and her family.

After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed her Puls 30 and some research-based homeopathic medicines.


There was a drastic change observed in the first follow-up on 10th November 2011. Her relief from the complaints had started getting better. Her anxiety was still present, but the feeling of suffocation was less now. She was very happy with the progress.

On 13th September 2012, the patient reported she was further better. Her fear of closed space was reduced by almost 90%. She still had anxiety and panic attacks, but they were less than before. Mood swings were present off and on. Based on this feedback, Dr. Shah prescribed further medicines to her.

On 30th December 2013, the patient reported that she was perfectly fine, but, since the past few months, her stress levels had increased and that has aggravated her complainant again. She was again experiencing the fear of closed places. She was not able to go in a crowd. Her anxiety and panic attacks had increased than before. She had also become more irritable now. Based on this feedback, Dr. Shah made some changes in her prescription and gave her medicines.

On 12th September 2014, the patient reported being better. Her complaints had almost reduced now. Her fear of closed places was under control. Sometimes, she used to get anxiety attacks but the intensity was less. She was overall better with the medicines.

On 20th December 2015, she reported being perfectly fine. Her fears and anxiety had reduced a lot. She used to get anxiety attacks but with lesser frequency than before. She was feeling normal now.

On 20th June 2016, the patient reported that she was perfectly fine all these months, but suddenly before 10 days she suffered from a fall and that had again triggered her anxiety. She had started feeling anxious like before. The fear of closed places was affecting her. She used to stay at home only as she had a fear of going out in a crowd. Based on this feedback, Dr. Shah made some changes in the prescription and prescribed medicines to the patient. 

On 26th October 2017, the patient reported that she was almost 75% better with the medicines. Her anxiety was under control. She was overall better with the medicines.

On 18th September 2018, the patient updated being stable. She was further improving with the medicines. She was almost 80% to 85% better now. All her complaints were gradually reducing. She was very happy with the results.

On 15th March 2019, the patient informed that she is 100% better with the medicines. She was not suffering from any anxiety or panic attacks now. All her fears were not present anymore. The patient was quite satisfied and happy with the treatment.

She thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for helping her and improving her quality of life.


This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating anxiety disorder effectively and safely without any side-effects.

(Written by Dr. Kainaz, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah)


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