A 4-Year-Old Kid Recovered Completely From Asthmatic Bronchitis With Homeopathy

A 4-year-old male child, Mast. M.Z.S. (PIN: 35860) visited Life Force on 24th February 2018 for the treatment of his complaints of Asthmatic Bronchitis, which he was suffering from 10 months of his age. The frequency of its episode was once in a month which used to last for about 15 days. This discomforting complaint was increasing gradually. During the episode, he would suffer from a fever, productive cough, rattling in the chest on examination i.e. noisy breathing, and, at times, wheezing. His physician never diagnosed it as asthmatic bronchitis and stated it was an allergy.

The child had a strong family medical history of allergy. Also, he was allergic to dust which was noted during case history. The X-ray report of the child showed the right basal consolidation. All his complaints would get aggravated in February & March, due to the exposure to dust, after having cold drinks, on eating cold things, due to the changes in the weather, and by coming in the contact with smoke. He would feel the better and relieved only in the summer. And, he was given allopathic treatment after every episode for relief.

Besides asthmatic bronchitis, the child also had a complaint of constipation since birth. He had to strain daily and used to pass the stool after every 2 days. He was also experiencing bleeding due to straining and so was given laxatives.

After going through the case history and details thoroughly, Dr. Shah did a proper evaluation of the case and prescribed him medicines. Also, the dietary precautions were prescribed to the patient.


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In his first follow-up on 19th March 2018, the child had experienced an overall improvement of about 50% in his relief from the complaints mentioned during his case history. There was not a single episode experienced by him after starting with Life Force’s homeopathic medicines. His relief from all his associated complaints was improving, and he discontinued all the allopathic medicines.

In his second follow-up on 30th April 2018, he showed a further improvement in his recovery from asthmatic bronchitis. Also, the patient did not suffer a single episode of his discomforting complaint.

When he gave his follow-up on 12th June 2018, his health had improved better than earlier. He had experienced further relief in his complaint with just a minute episode, which had occurred before starting the new batch of medicines and it settled in 2 days without any help of allopathic medicines

And, in the subsequent follow-ups, the child showed complete recovery from his discomforting complaints in 1 year without experiencing a single episode of his complaint. Also, the overall recovery of the child was observed.



This case illustrates that respiratory disorders, such as asthmatic bronchitis, find excellent relief with homeopathic treatment. Such respiratory conditions can be treated with incredible success in kids also only with well-planned homeopathic treatment. It is important to note that homeopathy is totally safe, highly effective, and rewards long-lasting results while relieving you of asthma as compared to various other asthma treatments which may affect your health adversely. Besides following the homeopathic treatment, you also need to have a balanced, nutritious diet to alleviate the discomfort. Even though there is no specific diet for asthma, consuming certain healthy foods can help promote the healthy functioning of your lungs and minimize the symptoms of the disease.


  • Written by Dr. Shraddha Jadhav, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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