Homeopathy Boosts Immunity & Treats Frequent Cold In Kids Successfully

A 7-year-old boy, Mr. Y.M.P. (PIN: 38368) visited Life Force on 26th October 2018 for the treatment of his complaints of the frequent cold. He had been suffering from this complaint since childhood. The frequency of his cold episode was once in two months, and, most often, the duration of the episode was 8-10 days. He had a cough and cold tendency. Sneezing, watery discharge, and cough were the common symptoms which affected him. His immunity was very low, so, every time the weather would change, it would trigger his cold symptoms. Due to the low immunity, he used to be weak and get tired easily. He was suffering from pain in the legs. 


He was a vegetarian, and his appetite and thirst were normal. He disliked spicy food. He had no specific liking for any food. He was chilly thermally i.e. more sensitive to the cold weather. His perspiration was profuse, offensive, and generalized. He didn’t face any complaints related to bowel habits and urination.


He was lean and thin. The patient was a 1st standard student, and his father was working as an accountant. His mother was working as a lab technician. In his family, his aunt and uncle were living with him. His aunty was a homemaker, and his uncle was working in RCF.


By nature, he was happy and jolly and he used to mix very well with other children. He was academically good. He was helping by nature.

He had jaundice in his past. There were no health complaints in his family’s medical history. 


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Dr. Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed Cal Phos 30 and his research-based medicines to the patient. The was patient was advised to do some blood tests.




On 23rd January 2019, when the patient visited our center for his first follow-up, his aunty reported a very good improvement in his condition. The relief from all his symptoms, except for weakness, had improved by more than 50%. But, his complaint of cold had relapsed from the last two days. Possibly, it was due to the cold weather of winter.


A few months later, on 29th July 2019, he visited again at Life Force Vashi center for his next follow-up. His aunty reported a drastic improvement in his condition. He has experienced no cold episode for the last four months, so his frequency and duration of the cold episode were drastically reduced. His improvement in the recovery from all symptoms of the cold was more than 80%. Due to the rainy weather, his cold symptoms had relapsed just for three to four days.

His aunt was very happy and satisfied with the result. She also gave a video testimonial.


Still, the patient is continuing the medicine for further recovery.



This case illustrates that homeopathy enhances internal immunity and promotes the total recovery from frequent cold and discomforts in children successfully and safely without any side-effects.


  • Dr. Priyanka Agarwal, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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