Life-Changing Improvement Found In Relief In Chronic Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Homeopathy

A 40-year-old lady, Mrs. R.S. (PIN: 31482) consulted Life Force Homeopathy in May 2017 with regards to her Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

She was residing in Mangalore and could not come to visit the clinic directly. She, therefore, opted for the online treatment protocol of Life Force that is available at She spoke to our Associate Doctors regarding her disease condition. The scope of treatment for her disease was explained to the patient. She had started online treatment as suggested.

Her major concern was discomforting Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She used to experience a sudden urge to pass motions in the morning. She was suffering from the heaviness and pain in the abdomen. Also, she was experiencing bloating in the abdomen. She always felt as if her stomach was not clean. Her bowel movements were never satisfactory. She had to go for motions 2-3 times a day.

She was suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for 7 years. She experienced the episodes of IBS 3-4 times in a week. And, each episode would last for 3-4 hrs. All her complaints would get worse after eating spicy food and street food.

The patient had a medical history of a migraine. She also had skin issues, such as Lichen Planus and Ichthyosis, for which she was under treatment at Life Force. She also had a family history of Irritable Bowel Syndrome as her mother suffered from the same.

In the past, she had taken conventional medications which could give her only temporary relief. Tired of getting no permanent solution, she stopped her conventional medications. That is when she thought of giving homeopathy a chance and started treatment from Life Force.

Her detailed case history emphasizing on all her health issues was taken into consideration. The Associate Doctors at Life Force also recommended the patient the best dietary advice for her condition. The entire case history along with previous treatment details was studied by Dr. Shah. After evaluating the case thoroughly, Dr. Shah prescribed research-based homeopathic medications to the patient.


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Till December 2017, the change in her condition was marginal. There were only mild improvements in relief in all her complaints. No major changes were noticed.

In February 2018, her overall relief from Irritable Bowel syndrome showed an improvement of around 40%. There was an improvement in her relief from the discomforts, such as bloating and heaviness and pain in the abdomen. Her bowel movements were getting better. The severity of all her complaints was reducing. The frequency of her motions was reduced to 1-2 times a day. She was also following the dietary recommendations that we suggested to her.

In April 2018, the patient reported an overall improvement of around 50%. The frequency of the IBS episodes had reduced to 1-2 times a week. The severity of her complaints was also extremely less. The duration of bloated feeling and heaviness in the abdomen had also reduced greatly. Her relief in the sensitivity to spicy food and outside food had also started improving. By introducing spicy food in diet occasionally, it was observed that she was able to handle it way better than before. Her body was not responding in an ill way, unlike before.

At her follow-up in July 2018, the patient reported about a 70% improvement in her recovery from her health issues. The episodes of IBS had reduced to once a week. The relief in the intensity of the condition was also improving. Her bloated feeling was almost nil. She was relieved of the heaviness in the abdomen. She felt her bowel habits had improved as she had to go for motions just once a day. She started to experience satisfactory bowel habits, due to which her relief in irritation also improved greatly.

In October 2018, the patient felt her recovery from her condition was improving further with the medications. She could eat spicy foods with mild discomfort, and her relief in the sensitivity to them was getting better. Her bowel habits were improving further with no pain and no heaviness anymore present.

In February 2019, her relief in Irritable Bowel Syndrome was better by around 80%. She experienced very mild discomfort occasionally. Her episodes of IBS had reduced to 3-4 times a month. Her daily life was way better than before. Her bowel habits had greatly improved, thereby giving her a sense of relief.

In July 2019, her IBS episodes have reduced to 1-2 times a month. She no more feels that she is suffering from any disease condition and can carry out her daily routine normally.

The patient is currently continuing the medications to get the condition treated from the root level. She is very happy, as she feels she is more positive now and does not get irritated easily as before. She feels that her overall immunity has improved with homeopathic treatment.



This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome effectively, incredibly, and safely without any side-effects.


  • Written by Dr. Neethu Krishnan, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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