Director Of A Dairy Company In Tanzania Relieved Of Chronic Hives With Homeopathy

A 68-year-old male patient from Tanzania, Mr. A.H. (PIN: 25496) was suffering from great discomfort due to his severe itching complaint. From the last 4 years, he was experiencing the complaint of itching which would first begin with redness of the skin on any part of the body and then develop into swelling of the affected part and led to burning after severe scratching. The most embarrassing thing for him was that he was experiencing itching on the genitals too. He consulted many dermatologists who were unable to diagnose it and told it is just dry skin and a stress-related problem. He visited the Life Force clinic on 12th March 2018, and after considering his detailed history based on the presentation of his disease, his case was diagnosed as Urticaria (Hives). In a day, he would experience 6-7 episodes of Urticaria which would subside after 45-60 minutes only after taking an antihistamine or after applying Cortisone (Corticosteroid) ointment. He needed to take the antihistamine was once or twice a day.

Besides Urticaria, he had no major illness. Dr. Shah advised him to check for the Serum IgE level and also to get investigated for Thyroid profile and cholesterol levels.

He was addicted to cigarette smoking and also used to consume alcohol. He was highly ambitious by nature and was also a perfectionist to the extent that he would notice even the tiniest mistakes of others.

As a child, he had Asthma complaints which resolved as he grew up. There was a strong genetic history of Diabetes and cancer in his family.

After studying his case history & details thoroughly, Dr. Shah evaluated it and prescribed Croton Tiglium-30.

After a few days of starting the Homeopathic treatment, he did his blood tests, which revealed his IgE level was 488.20 IU/mL (Normal range:< 158), and also his cholesterol levels were high. In most cases, we, at Life Force, have observed that the patients with Urticaria may also have co-existing diseases, such as High cholesterol and an underactive thyroid. He was advised to continue the same medicines and was advised diet for high cholesterol. Also, it was explained to the patient that the IgE level is an allergy marker, which is expected to be high in Urticaria cases and Homeopathic medicines will take care of it.


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After the first few months of the treatment, when he gave his first follow-up on 29th June 2018, there was a drastic reduction in the frequency of the episodes of Urticaria. Before starting the Homeopathic treatment the frequency of his episodes of urticaria was 6-7 times/day which would subside after 45-60 minutes, however, after starting with homeopathic treatment the frequency was reduced to once/day that would subside after 15-20 minutes. But, still, he was taking antihistamine as a precaution. He was advised to take the antihistamine on alternate days and not daily as earlier.

On 26th October 2018, the frequency of experiencing an episode was once/day that would last for 5-10 minutes. Though the frequency was the same, the severity of complaints was reduced a lot. He had continued with antihistamine on alternate days for 3 months and then had stopped it completely since the first week of October 2018. He was advised to take antihistamine SOS (only when the episode is severe and unbearable) and to apply coconut oil if he felt itching.

He visited Life Force clinic on 20th March 2019 and informed that in the last one and a half months he didn't experience an episode of Urticaria.

In the follow-up dated 24th September 2019, he informed that he had only 1-2 mild episodes in between and the last antihistamine was taken in January 2019. He was into complete remission.



This case illustrates that homeopathic treatment promotes a drastic reduction in the frequency, duration, and intensity of the Urticaria and, ultimately, promotes a complete recovery from the skin condition. Also, homeopathy minimizes the dependency on antihistamines and eliminates the need for antihistamines ultimately. Homeopathic treatment for urticaria is safe and causes no side-effects.


  • Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D (Hom)
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