An 11-Year-Old Female Child Recovered From Vitiligo

An 11-year-old female child (PIN: 29901) approached Life Force along with her parents with the problem of vitiligo affecting the genital area in September 2016. Hypopigmented patches, which initially appeared pinkish, later, turned to dull spots and that started getting brighter. No itching was present in the spots.

Initially, the patient was depending on conventional medicines, mainly steroidal applications.

The child was a vegetarian and was having very little appetite. She liked eating fruits, milk, and sweets more than other foods.

Her mental sphere explained about her anger, weeping in anger, and obstinate nature. Normally, she had a reserved nature. And, usually, she did not share her belongings.

Dr. Shah went through the case file in detail and prescribed the medicines after evaluating the whole case to the patient.

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After 4 months of following homeopathic treatment, when the patient gave a follow-up on 19th June 2017, her spots were turning pinkish, and the spread of the older spots had stopped completely. No new spots were visible.

Later, on her follow-up on 25th January 2018, she updated that a mild increase in the white spots, but the condition was under control. The spots were stable. No spread had occurred, and no new spots had appeared. The patient had completely stopped depending on conventional treatment i.e. stopped using steroidal applications.

The spots were almost stable and showing no spread till about 10-12 months, but, after that, a slight spread of the condition had occurred. The parents of the patient were worried a lot in between. Dr. Shah again evaluated the symptoms and reviewed the case and, by that time, the patient again experienced stability with good re-pigmentation in the spots.

Then, after 8-10 months of following homeopathic treatment, there was a good recovery from the spots of about 95% with complete re-pigmentation.


This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating Vitiligo, particularly in growing children, with no side-effects. Homeopathy controls the disease in the future. Also, it is recommended that you should continue the homeopathic medications to ensure that relapse does not occur.

  • Written by Vinay R., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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