Homeopathy Gave Extremely Good Result In Treating Recurring Warts

Warts are benign growths of the epidermis that result due to a virus, the most common being human papillomavirus (HPV) group. Mr. S.S.A. (PIN: 40186) had been suffering from warts complaint for 5-6 years. He had 4-5 warts on his scalp. The size of the warts was moderate. His scalp was a mild itchy. He had taken 12-15 sessions of some dermatological procedure and, later, did the cauterization, but warts recurred. As we know that homeopathy is highly recommended in warts and its recurrence, so he consulted at Life Force Homeopathy on 17th May 2019. Except for this, he didn’t have any other complaints.

For homeopathic treatment, a detailed case was required for the prescription. So, his case was taken in detail. In physical generals, he informed that he was a non-vegetarian but not liked chicken and red meat. He was very fond of sweets and fishes. His thirst, sleep, and bowel functions all were normal. His sweating/perspiration was very less. He was very tall by built.

He was self-employed. He had two daughters.

Mentally, he was a very calm and satisfied person. Mostly, he tried to handle every situation calmly. He was very mature and liked to meet new people.

In his family, his parents had diabetes. The patient had sciatica in his past medical history.

After the study of his case details thoroughly, Dr. Shah’s research-based molecule was prescribed for two months to the patient.

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In July 2019, he gave his first feedback. He informed slight changes in his complaint. His itching was as it is in the initial 15 days, but, later, his itching had reduced. No new warts had appeared. At his first visit, he was advised to do some blood tests. In his reports, his blood glucose level was on the borderline so he was advised to take care of his diet and do the regular exercise. Also, his vitamins were low so he was also advised to take the vitamin supplements.

In October 2019, he reported a good improvement in his condition. No new warts had appeared which was the tendency in his case, and the size of previous warts had reduced a lot. The itching was very rare now. He took care of his diet and did walking regularly for his blood glucose level. But, he didn’t check his blood glucose after May 2019. So, he was advised to check it.

In January 2020, he informed about his condition. His condition had improved by more than 85%. After seven months of course of homeopathic medicine, his recurrence of warts had stopped. He has not observed any new warts in this duration. And, his previous warts were also reduced in the size. The itching was also relieved. He had not faced any other complaint.

He was quite satisfied with the result he obtained with homeopathic treatment because in the past two years he had taken 10-12 sessions of the dermatological procedure and later done the cauterization but warts recurred again and again. Homeopathy addressed his condition and treated him effectively.



Many dermatologists also agree with the effectiveness and result of homeopathy in treating warts. The result of homeopathy is tremendous so this case study is its proof. Homeopathy treats warts incredibly and safely without any side-effects.


  • Written by Dr. Priyanka Agarwal, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah (M.D., Hom)
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