90% Relief In 6 Years Persistent Allergic Rhinitis Found In Just 6 Months With Homeopathic Treatment

A 36-year-old lady, Mrs. S.S. (PIN: 41425) was suffering from allergic rhinitis for 6 years. She was under conventional medicines for many years, but she got only temporary relief and the disease was getting worse. She had to take antihistamine tablets daily for relief. Then, she visited our Life Force clinic on 10th October 2019 for the treatment.

She had come with complaints of the frequent cold. She used to suffer from episodes of sneezing, watery nasal discharge, headache, redness of eyes, watery eyes, and tickling in eyes. Also, she experienced a headache and watery eyes most frequently.

She would suffer from these complaints twice a week, and each episode would last for 5-7 days.

She would suffer from these complaints when she would get exposed to the dust, talcum powder, in the cold weather, and due to the change in the weather. The complaints of the patient most often would get aggravated in the morning after waking up from the bed.

Besides allergic rhinitis, she had gastric issues too.

The patient was a homemaker. She had an average appetite with marked craving for spicy food and sweet foods. She would drink an average quantity of water every day. Her bowel was satisfactory and urination was normal. Her sleep was quite good.

She had no family history of allergic rhinitis running in her family.  

She was a short-tempered lady and would turn irritable if things won’t go according to her will. She loved the company. When she would turn angry, her anger used to subside when someone would make her understand the situation.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed research-based medicines along with constitutional medicines for six weeks to the patient.

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After 6 weeks of taking the prescribed homeopathic medicines, on 26th November 2019, the patient gave her first follow-up. Her sneezing and watery nose had reduced. Her headache had also reduced by 40%, but she would experience these complaints on and off during acute episodes of cold. Her relief in redness and itching of the eyes was much better than earlier.

At the second follow-up on 24th January 2020, the patient showed further improvement of 70% in her relief in sneezing and redness of the eyes. She had experienced a remarkable improvement in her relief in coryza. Her headache had also reduced by 70%. Her relief in the severity of episodes was getting better day-by-day. Also, she informed us that she had completely stopped taking the daily dose of antihistamine tablets for 2 months that she used to take earlier.

On the third follow-up of the patient on 20th March 2020, her relief in the complaints of allergic rhinitis had improved by 90%. The severity of all her complaints was reduced remarkably. She experienced episodes of sneezing very occasionally, like once in a month, and it lasted only for some hours. Her relief in coryza was better a lot, and there was no headache bothering the patient. She experienced very mild episodes that are not very frequent even with the triggers.

The patient is quite happy to experience this improvement in just six months of homeopathic treatment and is continuing the medicines.



This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating chronic allergic rhinitis successfully and safely without any side-effects in just a few months. Homeopathy helps in avoiding the lifelong dependency on conventional treatment.

  • Written by Dr. Priyadarsini Puhan, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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