Relief In Psoriatic Arthritis Improved By 90% With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 33-year-old male from Rajasthan, Mr. R.H. (PIN: 26597) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for his complaint of Psoriatic arthritis on 25th August 2015.  

He was suffering from this problem for almost 9 years. And, his problem was increasing gradually. The patient had developed psoriatic lesions on his hands and legs. Along with the skin issue, he was suffering from the pain and stiffness in joints. Occasionally, the swelling was also noticed. The patient was unable to move his joints freely, particularly finger joints. He was taking painkillers when the pain was intense. The patient had also tried taking Ayurvedic medicines for a few years but there was no change.

His appetite had reduced. He had a specific craving for spicy food. His thirst for water was average. He had no issues related to urine and stool. His sleep was disturbed and not refreshing.

The patient was into a private job in Rajasthan. He was staying with his family. There was no stress present in his life, except for the stress related to his illness. He was often depressed and sad due to it. There were times when he was frequently getting negative thoughts.

He never had any major illnesses in the past. There were no illnesses present in the family present.

After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed him some research-based homeopathic medicines.

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On 26th February 2016, the patient reported that he was almost 20%-30% better with the medicines. The itching and scaling on his skin had reduced. His relief in psoriasis affected skin was getting better. His pain in the joints had reduced than before. The patient was improving overall with the medicines. Based on this feedback, Dr. Shah prescribed further medicines to the patient.

On 16th September 2016, the patient reported being further better with the medicines. There was almost 50% improvement noticed by the patient. The relief in his psoriatic skin was improving. The itching and scaling had reduced. The relief in pain and stiffness of joints was getting better. He was able to manage his day-to-day work now. The patient was very happy with the progress.

On 15th March 2017, the patient reported that he was almost 70% better with the medicines. His relief in skin psoriasis and arthritis was improving with the medicines. The itching and scaling were very minimal now. There was no pain present in the joints. Just a mild stiffness was still present. There was an overall improvement in his health with the medicines.

On 17th December 2017, the patient updated being 90% percent. His skin had almost turned normal. The texture of his skin was improved. The pain and stiffness in joints were no longer present now. The patient was able to do his day-to-day activity smoothly. He was very happy with the results.

He thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for treating him for such a painful condition and improving his relief and health.



This case illustrates that homeopathy is very effective in treating psoriatic arthritis incredibly and safely without any side-effects.


  • Written by Dr. Kainaz, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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