A 6-Year-Old Found Amazing Recovery From Nephrotic Syndrome At Life Force Homeopathy

 A 6-year-old female child patient (PIN: 32156) approached the Life Force Homeopathy clinic on 16th May 2017. The patient was suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome for 5-6 months and was on conventional medicines. It was detected earlier by the parents as puffiness around the eyes and stomach every morning along with pedal edema was present. The patient was experiencing difficulty in passing the urine. She also had gained 4kgs weight since the last year. There was no history of hypertension and no family history of similar disease conditions present. The patient was steroid-dependent. The conventional physician had advised her for the change of treatment plan and to go for a biopsy. As the patient was dependent on steroid medications, she was asymptomatic while approaching Life Force Homeopathy. But, she was having after-effects (or side-effects) of the conventional medicines, such as irritability and mental symptoms, and sleeplessness during the day and night. There was no facial and unusual hair growth. The patient was also suffering from frequent colds for one year. Symptoms like cold, cough, and fever during the episode were common. There was wheezing occasionally. Usually, the patient used to take conventional medicines during frequent cold attacks. The patient was also anemic and lacked the intake of good nutritious food items.

Her diet pattern was of mixed food. The patient’s appetite was diminished. She was having cravings for fruits, milk, chicken, and chips-like items. She used to sweat profusely and the perspiration was generalized and more on the scalp. Her tongue was pink moist and skin was fair. She was stubborn, and irritability was present. When she wanted something, she would cry a lot. She was experiencing sleeplessness, and she used to mingle with strangers easily.

There was no major illness in the past.

The case was studied by Dr. Shah in detail, and he prescribed homeopathic remedies to the patient.

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After completing the initial 2 months of homeopathic treatment, when the patient gave feedback on 14th July 2017, she had experienced a 10% relief in symptoms, such as puffiness of the eyes, face, and extremities. The patient was still dependent on the conventional steroidal medicines, as, in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, the patient can’t immediately stop the medicines but can taper off the dosage and can stop it eventually while following the homeopathic medicines. Later on, the patient completely shifted to homeopathic treatment.

After 7 months of following homeopathic treatment from Life Force Homeopathy, on 2nd October 2017, the patient was feeling much better with 50% relief in the swelling of face, around the eyes, abdomen, and pedal edema. Her difficulty in passing the urine had also reduced.

Later, the patient came for a follow-up on 5th February 2018. After following 11 months of treatment from Dr. Shah, the patient was able to stop the steroids and was depending only on homeopathic medicines further. The patient was having 80%-90% relief in the symptoms, such as puffiness of the face, around the eyes, and on stomach every morning. Her frequency of cold and cough had also reduced a lot. She was experiencing a good improvement in the immunity of the patient. Fever during the episode had also reduced to 80%.

After completing one year of treatment, the patient came for a follow-up on 24th April 2018. She was enjoying good health.

The patient continued to take the homeopathic medications from Life Force Homeopathy with no relapse of the symptoms. The patient’s parents were thankful to Dr. Rajesh Shah and Life Force Homeopathy a lot.



This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating Nephrotic Syndrome in kids successfully and safely without any side-effects.


  • Written by Dr. Vinay R., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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