A 39-Years-Old Lady Got Recovered From Lichen Planus With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 39-year-old lady, Mrs. M.D. (PIN:37609) had Lichen Planus for 2 years. She came to Life Force to seek treatment for her disease on 6th August 2018. Lesions were present on her legs, thighs, and lower back. There were no active lesions as such, but the hyperpigmentation was very prominent. She was experiencing itching in the lesions. The disease was cortisone-masked.
She had associated complaints of an Underactive Thyroid, Acidity, and pain in the knee joints.
The patient’s diet was mixed comprising both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. Her appetite was diminished. She had cravings for spicy and sour food and, also, liked to have sweets. She had an average thirst and average perspiration. She was equally sensitive to both the temperatures. Her bowels were satisfactory and menses were regular. She used to have sound sleep.
The patient was a teacher in primary school, and her husband was also a primary school teacher. She had a daughter who was a student.
The lady was a little conservative and straight-forward. She did not want to speak much. Irritability was marked in her nature.
Dr. Rajesh Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed his research-based homeopathic medicines to the patient. The patient got very good results and the follow-ups are mentioned below.
In October 2018, the relief in her lesions was better by 25%, although the patient continued to take Cortisone till that time.
In April 2019, the recovery from her lesions was better by 50%. The relief in itching was almost 50% better.
In September 2019, the patient’s relief in the disease improved further. Her recovery from the lesions was better, and the itching had subsided to a great extent.
In November 2019, however, she had experienced a mild aggravation in the disease for a short period, but the patient got recovered from it and then her recovery continued.
In April 2020, the patient’s relief in the condition was 80% improved. There were no complaints. Lesions and pigmentation had reduced to a great extent, and the patient was no more on conventional medicines. She was overall relieved and was very happy with the treatment. She is still under treatment and showing good progress.
This case illustrates that homeopathy is a great science that helps in treating autoimmune skin diseases, such as Lichen planus, effectively and safely without any side-effects, and also helps to reduce the dependency on steroids.
-Written by Dr. Garima Pancholi, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah (MD) Hom.

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