7 years old girl with vitiligo on the finger tips and toes, since past 12 years.

Rakhi, 17 years old girl came with complains of vitiligo, which she had for the past 12 years. Her fingertips and toes were involved. This was a mucocutaneous involvement of the body. She had vitiligo on the scalp and left thigh as well. Her spots were stable for many years and showed no improvement. She had taken ayurvedic and conventional medicines, with no change in the vitiligo spots.

She complained of pain in her upper back, for 1 year.

There was a strong family history of vitiligo.

Her case was evaluated as per the homeopathic protocols. She was prescribed Dr Rajesh Shah’s patented medicines for vitiligo along with a constitutional medicine. In 6 weeks, her vitiligo showed significant changes. There was repigmentation in all the vitiligo spots. The fingertips showed good improvement. In the next follow up, her fingertips and toes improved further and her backache had reduced considerably.

After 10 months, her vitiligo showed a 75% improvement. There were no new vitiligo spots throughout the treatment.

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Case Studies

74 years aged spinster K. C. (Patient Identification Number - 11924) visited Life-Force on 20th March 2009.

She was diagnosed with Non Thrombocytic Idiopathic Purpura 2 years ago. She would suffer from thin watery diarrhea 12 – 15 times a day which would last for 2 – 3 days......Read more

Mr GMK aged 52 years (PIN Number L-8757) came to the clinic for treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome. He was suffering from nephrotic syndrome since the last 2 years.
He was not on steroids. He was on anti-hypertensive medicines and his blood pressure was well controlled.

He presented.....Read more

Mr. A. K., 27 years old gentleman visited Life Force on 18th October 2011. His patient identification number is 17286. He was suffering from Psoriasis since 1.5 years. It was spread all over the body. The spots were on scalp, forearms, chest, back, legs, soles and hands. He had itching and scalin.....Read more

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