Chronic Palmo-Plantar Psoriasis Along With Psoriatic Arthritis Treated Effectively With Homeopathy

A 55-year-old female patient, Mrs. A.A. (PIN: 28890) visited Life Force Homeopathy on 4th July 2016 with the complaint or palmoplantar psoriasis which was suffering from 6 years. The disease was progressing continuously with a moderate spread affecting the skin of palms, soles, and the nail of fingers. The patient had a history of use of oral and external application of steroids for the last 2 years, and, before that, she had not taken any medications for psoriasis. She was experiencing extreme dryness and scaling of the palms and soles with intolerable itching and burning pain, which used to increase after getting exposed to the water. Cracks were present in the affected area with bleeding, and the pain in soles aggravated by walking and in winter and summer season. Also, she was suffering from the complication of Psoriasis i.e. Psoriatic arthritis soon with the onset of psoriasis of palms and soles. She was suffering from pain, stiffness, swelling, and cracking sound in the fingers, shoulder, lower back, hip, knee, ankle joints, and toes of both sides. Her complaints used to get aggravated in the winter season, ascending and descending the staircase, and they would be ameliorated after having rest and by oil massage. She was on allopathic treatment for arthritis since 2014.
She had associated complaints of hypertension, which she was suffering from since July 2017, and an underactive thyroid since 2010. She was on thyroid supplements since the beginning, as she was experiencing unpleasant symptoms of weight gain and hair fall. Her TSH level was normal during case taking.
She was a non-vegetarian with average appetite and thirst. She was experiencing profuse sweating all over the body, particularly on the face. She could not tolerate hot weather. She had attained menopause in 2006. The patient used to enjoy a sound sleep. Physically, she was flabby and stout with 65.5 kgs weight, and her blood pressure was 134/90 mmHg.
Her childhood was happy and her marital life was good. She was satisfied and well-settled in her life. She was affectionate and had good attachments with everybody. She liked to speak and used to mingle and make friends very easily. The patient was extrovert and emotional. She had no major stress in life. She had the fear of height and did not like to travel. The patient used to get irritable easily when things did not happen according to her. She had a good memory and perception.
The patient had a history of Malaria before 25 years. Also, she had a family history of Cervical Cancer, which had affected her mother, and Diabetes, which had affected her father.
After a detailed case study, Dr. Shah prescribed research-based medicines to the patient.
At her first follow-up on 14th July 2016, a few symptoms had aggravated, but she had also obtained relief in some symptoms.
On the next follow-up on 13th August 2016, the eruption on her palms had decreased. The dry cracks on her soles had increased along with oozing yellowish pus. Her complaint about Arthritis had reduced by 10%.
In the next follow-up on 13th September 2020, the patient had tapered off the dose of Methotrexate and stopped taking it since August 2016. Her every symptom had reduced to 10% with no further aggravation. The complaint of Psoriatic arthritis was decreasing continuously in the consecutive follow-ups and had reduced by 70%.
At the follow-up on 30th January 2017, her complaint increased because of the Methotrexate withdrawal effect.
The patient’s complaints had reduced significantly in June 2017.
She had stopped the dose of allopathic medicines since July 2017 which she was taking for the joint pain. In between, she had aggravation in the eruptions on her sole, but her relief in the complaint of Psoriatic arthritis in a few joints was almost 80%-85% better and, in a few joints, it was 10%-20% better.
On the follow-up on 14th February 2018, the eruptions over her palms were 100% cleared and the eruptions over her soles were stable. Her relief in arthritis in all the joints was almost 70% better, and she was able to do all her routine work every day. 
On 18th April 2018, her nails started recovering.
At the follow-up on 4th August 2018, there was a 70%-75% improvement in the cracks and eruptions over the soles.
A slight aggravation was noticed in the follow-up on 19th October 2018 because of the winter season. 
On 22nd January 2019, the patient’s relief in the complaint was better.
On 18th June 2019, the recovery from the psoriasis patches over her sole was 80%-85% better and recovery from the nails was 50% better. Her relief in Psoriatic arthritis was continuously better and she experienced 100% improvement in relief.
In October 2019, even though the patient visited a cold place, she experienced no flare-ups. 
On 23rd March 2020, a recent aggravation was observed in her complaint of psoriasis over the soles due to the exposure to the cold weather, as she had visited another country.
On 11th June 2020, her relief in the complaint was much better, and further recovery was observed. The patient is continuing the treatment for further recovery.

The patient is very happy and satisfied that her recovery from the complaints of Palmoplantar psoriasis and thanked Dr. Shah sir for the effective treatment.

This case illustrates that homeopathy is very effective in treating chronic and obstinate skin diseases along with its complication, such as Palmoplantar Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. It reduces the progress of the disease and controls it. Also, homeopathy slowly stops the dependency on steroids and help you experience great relief.

-Written by Dr. Akanksha Kharote, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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