A 46-Year-Old Lady Got A Very Good Relief From Depression With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 46-year-old lady, Mrs. S. K. (PIN: 9611) discussed her complaint of Depression with Life Force online. She wanted to take homeopathic treatment for her Depression. The lady had already taken treatment for Gastritis and Headache in the past. On 23rd March 2018, she told us about her Depression from which she was suffering for 2 years. There was a history of grief behind her depression. The disease developed after her mother’s death. She had lost the joy in life. It started with irritability, later on, the disease kept on progressing and she developed fears and hallucinations. The lady turned suspicious. She felt that she is being prosecuted by someone.

She always had a feeling that some injustice had been done to her. Hallucinations had made her life worse. She used to faint many times. She used to cry in solitude. She had absolutely no desire to work and, even, to talk. She had started avoiding people. She had no desire to live. She was suffering from continuous anxiety and anticipation that something wrong will happen.

The patient had Gastritis and headache along with this complaint, and those were much better in terms of relief with the treatment at Life Force.

Her sleep was disturbed because of her anxiety, and she was not eating well.

She had two daughters, and she was continuously worried about them. Her husband was supportive, and she had concerned that her family should not suffer because of her.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed his research-based medicines to the patient. The patient experienced a good improvement which can be observed in the follow-ups mentioned below.

When the patient gave her first follow-up in June 2018, she had experienced great improvement in relief from depression.

In August 2018, the patient was almost 70% better in relief in all her complaints.

In November 2018, she had experienced an excellent 80% improvement in recovery from depression. Her suspiciousness had reduced to a great extent. She had excellent relief in her hallucinations. The patient started sleeping well. Also, she was eating well.

In August 2019, however, the patient’s complaint of sleeplessness and suspiciousness relapsed, however, she was overall better, and her relief in the rest of the symptoms was better.

In November 2019, the patient was relieved of most of the complaints and felt much better. She was doing very well.

In February 2020, her relief from depression was much better. She had overcome all her fears. She had no panic attacks anymore. Her hallucinations reduced considerably. She was no more irritable and suspicious. She began to socialize. Also, she no more experienced fainting attacks. She developed an interest in life. All her negative thoughts had vanished, and she developed a positive attitude towards life and others. The patient and her family were very happy with the treatment.

This case illustrates that homeopathy plays a very good role in treating problems like Depression and helps the patient to cope with the disease and live a better quality of life.
-Written by Dr. Garima Pancholi, Associate Doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah (MD)Hom.

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