A Lady Got Cured Of Severe Allergy Completely In Just 8 Months Of Homeopathic Treatment

A 37-year-old lady, Mrs. S. S. (PIN: 16987) visited our clinic on 15th September 2011. She was accompanied by her husband, who was a practicing general physician. She was suffering from severe itching without any rashes for the last 5 years. It had started affecting her after she had shifted her residence. She used to experience dryness and burning over the scratch marks. They were not relieved by the application of any moisturizers or oils. She had done all blood tests which were normal. She had been taking an antihistaminic for the last 5 years but could not find any relief. 

She liked spicy food and disliked sweets. She was intolerant to the cold weather. Her sleep was sound, but she used to get dreams of exams or traveling. There were no complaints with regards to her bowels and thirst. She would perspire more on the face and it would stain her clothes. 

She stayed in a nuclear family. She was a homemaker. She had a 10 years old son, who was studying. Her husband was a doctor. He had tried allopathy and Ayurvedic medicines, however, she was not relieved of the itching and rashes.

She had a lot of anticipatory anxiety. She would turn irritable at trifles. She wanted everything neat and tidy, if not found then she would shout. When things would not happen as per her wishes, she would become irritable. She was fearful of insects. She was reserved and socially not very active. She was not able to take her own decision. 

She had undergone an appendicectomy in her childhood. Her father had suffered from a stroke and high blood pressure. Her mother had osteoarthritis.

Her case details and symptoms were studied by Dr. Shah in detail, and, based on it she was prescribed Dolichos 30c along with some research-based medicines.

After three months of medication on 31st December 2011, she reported a mild improvement in her relief from itching. Her intake of antihistamines had been gradually tapered off to once in 8 days as compared to daily like earlier.

After another three months of the medication on 12th March 2012, there was a significant relief in itching. It had mildly increased from the last two weeks. She had taken antihistamines a couple of times in the last two months. Her prescription was upgraded by Dr. Shah. 

After eight months of the treatment on 8th June 2012, she reported having experienced a complete recovery from her itching. She had not taken a single antihistaminic tablet from the last two months. Her relief itching was completely better. 

She is very happy with the treatment and grateful to Dr. Shah for relieving her of all distressing complaints.
Dr. Shah has stopped her treatment as she does not require any medicines now.

This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating allergic rashes, itching, and discomfort successfully and safely without any side-effects.

-Written by Dr. M.N.P., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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