Homeopathy Offered Immense Relief To A Patient With Stage 3 Piles And Avoided Surgery

A 39-year-old male from Andhra Pradesh, Mr. B. M. (PIN: 45213) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy online for his complaints of fissure in ano on 17th April 2021. 

The patient was suffering from stage 3 piles for a few months. He was experiencing sharp shooting pain in the anus every time after passing the stool. No bleeding or mucus from the anus occurred, but the stools were very hard and required straining. He was taking conventional medicines but it was not helping him much. He was advised surgery by a gastroenterologist as the pain was very severe and intense. The patient was reluctant for surgery and, hence, he approached Life Force for the treatment.

The patient’s appetite was average. He had no specific desire for any particular food and drink. His thirst was average. He had no issues related to the urine. His stool was hard, and he had to apply pressure while passing the stool. His sleep was normal and refreshing.

The patient was doing a job. He was staying with his wife and children. No major stress was present in his life. By nature, he was very reserved and shy.

He had no history of any illnesses. Also, there was no major illness in his family.

After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed Nit acid 30 and some research-based homeopathic medicines to the patient. He was also advised diet to follow along with the medicines.

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On 21st June 2021, at the first follow-up, the patient reported that he was feeling 30%-40% better with the medicines. The pain was still present but the intensity was less than before. The pain was manageable now. The stools had turned soft and satisfactory. The patient did not require straining to pass the stool. He had stopped taking all medicines and was only on Homeopathy. The patient had experienced an overall improvement with the medicines.


On 12th August 2021, the patient updated that he was almost 70%-80% better with the medicines. The shooting pain after passing the stool was minimal now. He was not experiencing any discomfort while passing the stool. His stools were well-formed and satisfactory. He was feeling perfectly fine now.


The patient thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for treating him and improving his health. The surgery was avoided after taking homeopathic treatment and by following a proper diet as advised at Life Force. He is continuing the treatment to get recovered completely.  



This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating piles incredibly and safely without any side effects. In this case, homeopathy helped the patient to avoid surgery for piles and offered immense relief to the patient.


  • Written by Dr. Kainaz. Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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