Excellent Recovery From Purpura & Eczema Found With Homeopathy In 4 Months

What is Purpura?

Purpura is a skin condition that leads to the development of red or purple discolored spots on the skin, and these spots do not blanch on applying pressure. The spots result due to bleeding underneath the skin. It can also occur due to platelet disorders and coagulation disorders. One may experience it even due to vascular disorders and many other causes. Purpura develops underneath the skin when small blood vessels burst, thereby causing blood to pool just under the skin. They appear as small purple spots beneath the skin’s surface.


What is Eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition resulting due to the inflammation of the skin. It happens to make your skin suffer from dryness, flakiness, heat, and, most importantly, itching. This skin condition can develop on any of your body parts. The affected skin turns very dry, thickened, or scaly. Some hyperpigmentation is also visible on the affected parts.

The itchy rash can cause oozing and crusting. It may appear more scaly, dry, and red. Chronic scratching causes the skin to take on a leathery texture because the skin gets thickened (lichenification).


Let’s have a look at how homeopathy treated an acute case of Purpura and Eczema effectively in a very short span.

A 37-year-old male patient, (PIN: 44413) visited Life Force Branch on 23rd December 2020.

He had developed severe, red rashes on the skin in the past 25 days. The patient was having purpuric rash complaints along with eczema on feet bilaterally, and that was aggravated severely. Purpuric patches appeared on his thighs, back, abdomen, and hands bilaterally. The itching was severe. His skin on the affected area had turned dry. His itching would get worse at night. His sleep was disturbed due to the itching. The patient had consulted his local doctor and had taken medicines for two days. He did not find any relief with those medicines. The rashes were continuously bothering him. The red purpuric rash & eruptions were constant.

Eczema over his feet was very painful. Very small vesicular rash with fluids appeared on his feet bilaterally with severe itching and, after scratching, it used to turn into an abscess with discharges & burning sensation,

He was suffering from intense itching, scaling, and burning sensation on his skin rashes over the feet bilaterally along with the difficulty in walking. He is not able to wear shoes so the patient took conventional treatment & was steroid-masked for the past 25 days

There was no relevant and specific personal medical history or his family’s medical history present.


Physical Generals:

He was a vegetarian and had an average appetite. The patient was fond of sour & spicy food. He was having an aversion to the milk. His itching would turn worse after eating sour food. His thirst and bowel habits were normal. He was experiencing profuse generalized perspiration, particularly more over the face. He would feel more comfortable in the cold weather.


Nature & Mental Sphere:

He was a very calm & polite person. The patient was very shy & introverted. He used to suppress his emotions and anger.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied his case details and prescribed research-based homeopathic medicine for a few weeks to the patient.



On his first follow-up on 12th February 2021, the patient had experienced an 80% improvement in the recovery from all his symptoms.

At his second follow-up on 5th May 2021, he had experienced further improvement of more than 95% in his recovery from the symptoms.

He reported experiencing a complete recovery on 10th June 2021. His itching had reduced gradually, and all the rashes had disappeared.



This case highlights that homeopathy is extremely effective in treating and healing acute skin conditions successfully and safely without any side-effects.


  • Written by Dr. Jyoti K. Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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