An Underactive Thyroid, Acne, And Allergic Rhinitis Patient Healed With Homeopathy

A 28-year-old lady (PIN: 34088), who was suffering from Acne rosacea and Underactive Thyroid since the last year (i.e. 2016) and Allergic Rhinitis since childhood, visited our clinic on 2nd November 2017 for the treatment of her complaints. She was on some allopathic medicated ointments and gel for acne without any significant improvement. For her underactive thyroid, she was on Thyroxine since a year. Because of the underactive thyroid, she always felt tired and was experiencing hair fall.


As a person, she was very mild, gentle, and expressive. However, she used to get anxious over trivial matters because of the repeated affection of the acne on her face that would make her suffer from emotional distress, and she was losing her confidence.


She also suffered from Allergic Rhinitis. The bouts of sneezing at a stretch after bathing along with nose block and lachrymation were her main complaint of allergic rhinitis. She was a lot sensitive to the smell of the perfumes.


Physical Generals:

Her appetite was average. She had an intense desire for chocolates. She perspired profusely, particularly on her face,


Family’s Medical History:

In her family, her father and mother both were suffering from hypertension and diabetes respectively.


At Life Force:

Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed research-based homeopathic medicine to the patient, according to the individualization of the case.

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After 6 weeks of homeopathic medication, she experienced a drastic improvement in the healing of acne. The perspiration on her face had also reduced. But, there was no change in her complaints of allergic rhinitis and an underactive thyroid.


She continued with the medication. On further follow-up on 4th April 2018, she experienced a reduced frequency of the occurrence of acne and bouts of sneezing. There was a marked improvement in her energy level. Her hair fall had also reduced, which was occurring due to her underactive thyroid. She reduced the dosage of the thyroxine from 25 mg to 12 mg. (We slowly tapered off the dosage of the thyroxine so that the patient won’t suffer from the withdrawal effect.)


On 8th October 2018, acne on her face and nose had reduced drastically. Her relief from allergic rhinitis improved. Her energy levels and confidence also improved. She now became more sensible and was not easily overwhelmed by any sudden situation. Her memory also improved.


She recovered from her underactive thyroid complaint. (She is no longer dependent on any thyroxine). Her allergic rhinitis healed and the recurrence of acne reduced. She visited Life Force in November 2017 and continued our treatment till October 2020 with satisfactory results.


Recently, in September 2021, she got diagnosed with a new complaint PCOD. She is now under our treatment for her present complaint.



This case illustrates that homeopathy not only controlled the recently diagnosed underactive thyroid of the patient but also helped in increasing her confidence level by reducing the frequency and scar of the acne. Homeopathy helped her build immunity by healing her allergic rhinitis. Homeopathy promoted recovery from an underactive thyroid, acne, and allergic rhinitis gently, incredibly, and safely without any side effects.


  • Written by Dr. Ruchika Roy MD (HOM), Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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