Severe Piercing Pain In Head Due To Migraine Vanished With Homeopathy

A 57-year-old patient (PIN: 43532) enquired at Life Force for the treatment of his complaints of Sinusitis, which he was suffering from for 3 years. Along with sinusitis, he was also suffering from nasal polyp which resulted in a nasal block and, occasionally, epistaxis. His whole respiratory tract was affected. He was also suffering from a cough with whitish greenish expectoration. The patient was using a nasal spray and antihistamine tablets whenever needed.


The patient was also suffering from the complaint Migraine which had started bothering him since 2019. He was experiencing very severe piercing pain. It mostly affected the left side of his face. He was experiencing left-sided neuralgic pain which sometimes radiated towards the left hand. During the migraine attack, he was unable to bear the bright light. He used to get this pain 2 to 3 times in 15 days. Stress and anxiety trigger the condition.


His third complaint was of Piles, which was diagnosed in 2017. The patient was suffering from External Piles with slight or no bleeding. But, the piles protruded during defecation. His motion was very hard, for which he had to depend on the laxative. He was on some homeopathic medicines for his piles.


Additionally, his present complaint, his general and emotional symptoms were noted during the thorough case taking.


Self and Family’s Medical History:

In his family, both his mother and father were diabetic. He was an alcoholic and chronic smoker, though he stopped it in 2011.


At Life Force:

After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed him the best-selected research-based homeopathic medicine according to the patient’s constitution and advised him of some lifestyle changes. He started our treatment on 18th August 2020.



At the first follow-up on 19th October 2020, there was no significant improvement in his condition. He found 30% relief in his complaint of migraine. His complaints of piles and sinusitis were as it is.


On the second follow-up on 5th December 2020, there was a marked (60%) improvement in his relief in migraine complaint. The frequency, intensity, and duration of the pain had reduced. He experienced a marked improvement in his relief in the piles’ complaint. The pain while passing the stool had decreased. Now, he no more had to depend on laxatives. He also experienced a slight improvement in his relief from sinusitis.


He continued our medicine, and he experienced slow and steady improvement in relief in all his health conditions.


The complaint of Piles and Migraine healed fully by July 2021. He found some relief in his sinusitis problem, but he was still suffering from a nasal polyp and a nasal block. Dr. Shah reviewed the case and prescribed the necessary medicine to the patient.


He is still under our treatment for his sinusitis complaint.



When your health is suffering from more than one complaint, sometimes, it takes time to heal. This case illustrates that, with the right homeopathic treatment, the patient with multiple health conditions healed naturally and found immense relief. Homeopathy can promote recovery from various health conditions, such as sinusitis, migraine, and piles, effectively, gently, and safely with no side effects only you need to have some patience.


  • Written by Dr. Ruchika Roy, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah






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