Amazing Fast Healing Of An Atopic Dermatitis Teen Occurred With Life Force’s Homeopathy

Amazing Fast Healing Of An Atopic Dermatitis Teen Occurred With Life Force’s Homeopathy

More than 10 million people suffer from eczema in India annually. It is a chronic skin condition and happens to flare up periodically. It may even accompany by complicated conditions such as asthma, hay fever, and sleep problems. Dr. Rajesh Shah has successfully treated a plethora of patients with atopic dermatitis. This case of a 14-year-old boy with atopic dermatitis that was successfully treated is an ideal example of it. Let’s have a look at it in detail.

A 14-year-old boy from Navi Mumbai, Mast. D.W.D. (PIN: 44036) approached Life Force Homeopathy with the complaints of atopic dermatitis. He had developed lesions on his arms, legs, chest, abdomen, and back for the last 5 years. He had visited the clinic with dry, itchy skin and was experiencing roughness, burning, and bleeding after scratching the skin. He was also suffering from frequent cold with a runny nose, sneezing, throat irritation, and lachrymation.


Physical Generals:

The patient had an average appetite. He had a craving for sweets, and his thirst had decreased. The patient’s sleep was good and refreshing. He was an underweight child since childhood and was born in the 8th month.


Psychological and Family Make-Up:

The teenager was an 8th std student, and his father was in some private food business. His mother was working in LIC. He had a 17-year-old elder brother.


Self and Family’s Medical History:

The patient had a history of epilepsy during childhood. As per his family medical history, the teen’s grandfather had diabetes.


At Life Force:

After analyzing and studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed homeopathic medicines along with some dietary tips to the patient.



On 23rd February 2021, the patient’s parents reported that the patches were as it is. A 5% change had occurred in the lesions. No new lesions were noticed on his skin. No major change was noticed with the homeopathic medicines. Based on this feedback, Dr. Shah prescribed further medicines to the patient. Some vitamin supplements along with the medicines were also prescribed to him.


On 9th April 2021, the patient’s parents updated us that he was better than 60% with the homeopathic medicines. His skin with the eruption was healing, and the itching had reduced. He no longer suffered from the burning sensation. And, his weight had increased.


On 13th October 2021, the patient’s parents updated us that he was stable with the medicines. There was an overall improvement in his relief from the itching complaint and eruption. Roughness was still present on the feet and calves. He had not experienced any episode in the past six months. He was completely better with homeopathic medicines.


On 16th February 2022, the patient’s relief from all the symptoms was better by 95%, and he was stable. He had no itching. The patient was also relieved of the burning discomfort. Also, no new eruption had appeared. He had not experienced any major episode in the last entire year. He had experienced incredible relief from his cough and cold and was completely better now. The throat infection no longer affected him. The teenage patient had experienced an overall improvement in his health with the homeopathic medicines.


The patient’s parents thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for treating him and improving his health. He is still under our homeopathic treatment to finish the complete course of medicines.



This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating recurrent atopic dermatitis in children and teenagers successfully and safely without any side effects. Homeopathy also helps minimize and eliminate the dependency on antibiotics and other conventional medicines.


  • Written by Dr. Deepa Chandroth, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah.

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