Case-1: A 53 years old lady with insomnia for the past 20 years, couldn't sleep at all throughout the night.

A 53 years old lady, Mrs. S.D.(Pin Reference no. L-7921) came to the clinic with complains of insomnia for the past 20 years. She was unable to sleep at all throughout the night. She was on tranquillizers for the same. She would be able to sleep as long as the effect of the tranquillizers worked, which would be later followed by disturbed sleep.

She was suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for the past 20 years, but it was diagnosed lately 4 months ago. There would be constant pain, burning sensation in the abdomen. There would be 1-2 stools in the morning, immediately after breakfast. They would be semisolid in consistency. The pain and burning sensation were better by warm fomentation and lying on the back.

She had headache since 3 years. The pain would be once in 6 months. But, it was severe hammering pain, which would last for the whole day. It was a one sided headache, with pain around the eyes as well. Her headaches were worse in the morning and by drafts of air.

Her appetite had reduced relatively. She would prefer spicy food. Her thirst was normal. The sweat was less. There was marked intolerance for heat and she would feel better in cooler places. Her bowel and bladder functions were normal.
She was menopausal since last 12 years.

She was a housewife. Her husband had retired from L&T as an engineer. She had an elder son, 26 yrs old, who was married and was staying with them along with his wife.
Her 1 son had expired of leukemia 5 years back.
She looked tired and exhausted. She was extremely irritable due to the pain and suffering . She said she felt like dying, instead of suffering. Her depression had worsened after her son passed away. She was fed up of life. At night, she her eyes would be wide awake and thoughts would overcrowd her mind. She would think of her son, who they were unable to survive. She thought of the helplessness they had faced.

As a child her life was happy and she was well supported by her family. She had done graduation from the arts stream. She was mild and gentle, then.

Her father had expired wing to cerebral infarct and mother had ischemic heart disease. There was no other significant family history of any diseases.

Based on this history she was given constitutional medicine and specific medicines researched at Life force Center for treatment of insomnia.
6 weeks after treatment, the pain, burning sensation in the abdomen had reduced by 40%.
She was generally feeling better, although her sleep had not improved much.
2 months after treatment, her insomnia showed improvement. She was able to sleep well. The thoughts had reduced. After, waking up in the morning, she would feel refreshed, which was never before. Her dependency on tranquillizers was gradually, tapered down.
With further continuation of the treatment, her irritable bowel syndrome improved. Her insomnia was further better.

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