Complaints of a chalazion since 6 months. It was a hard swelling of about 4mm x 4mm and caused him a sensation of heaviness of the affected eyelid.

Complaints of a chalazion since 6 months. It was a hard swelling of about 4mm x 4mm and caused him a sensation of heaviness of the affected eyelid.

A 41 years old patient, Mr. P. S. (Ref. no. 4451) reported to us for complaints of a Chalazion on the left upper eyelid since 6 months. The chalazion was a hard swelling of about 4mm x 4mm and caused him a sensation of heaviness of the affected eyelid. He would also get excessive watering of the eyes, at times. The swelling was painless and there was no discharge. The swelling would increase whenever he would be stressed. He did not have any other complaints apart from his one. The patient had been advised surgery for the Chalazion but he did not want to go in for surgery and hence opted for Homeopathic treatment as an alternative.

His appetite was normal; there was a strong liking for sweets and chocolates and he disliked salads and cheese. He was particularly sensitive to cold climate and would be more comfortable in warmer weather. He would preferably take hot water for bath and would like to be covered up warmly during sleep. He was short and somewhat flabby with a tendency to be constipated. His sleep would be disturbed often and he would not wake up fresh in the morning.

He stayed with his parents and younger brother and worked as a polisher in a factory. He would generally prefer to be alone when he was not working but he could also make friends quite easily. He would like to actively participate in conversations if it interested him. He would not feel much confident in stressful situations but he would manage to face them in spite of being nervous. His temper was normal and he would generally get angry when he would be overburdened with work. He would speak quite rudely when he would get angry. He said that he would sometimes feel lonely since he was unmarried, but he would get over it very soon. The current stress in his life was his job but he was able to mange things well. In his free time he would prefer to go riding his motorbike with his brother and friends, he would also like watching movies and listening to music and going to restaurants. He was afraid of spiders.

He had undergone Appendicectomy in childhood at the age of 6 years and his cholesterol levels maintained on the higher side of normal. His father suffered from ischemic heart disease and there was no history of any other major illness in the family.

Based on the above history the patient was prescribed Conium 200 repeated twice a day. At the end of about 4 months of treatment the patient reported that the Chalazion was much better than before and only a tiny grain sized swelling persisted. The treatment was continued further till he completely recovered from the same. This case illustrates that how even certain surgical conditions can be helped effectively with Homeopathic treatment and the patient can be saved from the scalpel.

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