A 58 years old home maker was successfully treated with Dr. Shah’s homeopathic medications

A 58 years old home maker Mrs. B. A. L. (Patient Identification Number-14745) visited Life Force on 4th February 2011. Patient complained of recurrent episodes of Tonsillitis since 4 years. She developed throat irritation since past 3 weeks. She had recurrence when ever there was change of weather. She had severe pain while swallowing any food. Pain radiated from throat to her ears.

She had associated complaint of cervical spondylosis since 4 months. She had mild pain while moving her neck on either side. She had stiffness of the neck every morning which relieved in an hour.

She was a vegetarian and liked eating salty and sour food. She preferred cold weather. She perspired profusely.

She had suffered from uterine fibroid 12 years back for which she was successfully treated with Ayurvedic medicines. She was suffering from high blood pressure for past 6 years for which she was taking conventional medicine.

Her parents had history of high blood pressure.

She was mild and submissive by nature. She expressed her grief as she wanted to have kids but could not conceive and she never tried any treatment for the same. She said it used to bother her a lot but now she had accepted it. She had now devoted herself to spirituality.

Dr. Shah prescribed her research based medicines after studying her case in detail.

On 10th June 2011 patient called up for her first follow-up and she reported that her throat irritation had mild improvement. She could now eat comfortably. Her tonsillitis was approximately 25% better. Her cervical pain had reduced up to 60% and there was no stiffness of the neck.

She reported back on 9th of August 2011 with further improvement in her tonsillitis. The improvement was gradual due to monsoon season. Her throat irritation had reduced comparatively. She could eat without any pain. Her cervical pain was relieved.

On 11th October 2011 she had come with further improvement. She was glad that her throat irritation had reduced more than 75%. She had no cervical pain or stiffness.

On 5th December 2011 she was happy to report that in spite of weather change her problem did not recur. She had no throat pain or irritation.

She was thankful to Dr. Shah for treating her recurrent tonsillitis successfully.

Uploaded on 23rd August 2013 by Dr. Ishita

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