7 years old boy from Saudi Arabia with vitiligo spots on left eyelid, left arm and back spots showed complete re-pigmentation

This is the case study of 7 years old boy, A.S (Patient Identification Number 8954) suffering from Vitiligo. A.S was from Saudi Arabia. He was suffering from Vitiligo for more than a year. He was having small spots of Vitiligo on the left eyelid and left arm and one moderate-sized spot on the back. His parents opted for our online treatment and described all his details in the questionnaire.

He did not have any family history of Vitiligo. He had a strong craving for eggs and non-veg food. His micturition, bowel habits, and perspiration were normal. He was a chilly patient with marked aggravation from cold weather.

Mast A.S was a second standard student. He was a very mischievous boy, he would not sit at one place. The child was having good leadership qualities. He would mix easily with other children.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied his case through the questionnaire and prescribed him homeopathic medicines. In the initial two months, there was no significant change in his Vitiligo. There was no further spread as well. In the next two to four months of treatment, he started showing improvement in his Vitiligo. The spot on the left arm reduced in size.

After six months of treatment, spots on the left eyelid and back also started showing improvement. The spread had stopped completely. His parents were anxious about his slow improvement. With two to three years of regular treatment, all the spots showed complete repigmentation. His parents were very happy about his recovery and they visited Life Force to thank Dr. Shah. By 7th September 2011, he had completely recovered from his Vitiligo.

(Uploaded on 26th Sep 2011 by Dr. G.A.J)

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