Under an expert prescriber Homeopathy acts faster and better then steroid creams.....

A 66 year old women, Patient Identification Number: 17158 visited Life Force Center for psoriasis treatment on 3rd October 2011.

She was suffering from Psoriasis since last the 2 years. She had dry scaly patches on both the elbows and ankles. These patches were very itchy and flaky. The itching was severe at night. She was on steroid creams from the last 6-7 months without any relief in her psoriasis. The patches had become hard, thickened and lichenified due to excess use of steroid creams.


She was also suffering from high blood pressure and she was on anti-hypertensive medicines since the last 1 year. Her appetite was average and she had craving for sweets. She had average thirst and had no complaints with her bowel and urine habits. Thermally she was more sensitive to the cold.

She was averagely built and had attained her menopause.

She was a widow and her husband had expired all of a sudden one year ago. She had two sons and at present she was staying with her eldest son and daughter in law. She was well supported by her family but was still under grief, due to her husband�s sudden death. She would still think about him and that would make her cry.

On appearance she appeared to be very punctual, systematic and hurried by nature.


After going through the case thoroughly Dr Shah prescribed her our research based medicines along with the constitutional medicine.

After 8- 10 weeks (8th Dec. 2011) there was 80 % improvement in her psoriasis, there was significant relief in the itching and the scaling. There were no new spots.

She expressed her gratitude saying, as after being treated unsuccessfully for almost a year with strong allopathic medicines, she started showing significant relief with Dr. Shah's medicines in 8-10 weeks time. She is still continuing the treatment.

Uploaded on 28 th December 2011 by Dr. Z.A

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Dr. A. M. V., 44 years old homeopathic physician (Patient Identification Number - 14582) visited our clinic on 18th September, 2012. He was already under treatment of Dr. Shah for other complaints. He now had visited for Urticaria which was troubling him since 1 month. He would get hives once in .....Read more

A 32-year-old woman (PIN: 14671) visited Life Force on 9th August 2010 with the complaints of psoriasis. She was suffering from psoriasis since 2010. She had developed psoriasis on her hands, feet, and soles. She was suffering from scaling, redness, cracks, dryness, and occasional itching. <.....Read more

A 30 years old female Mrs. H. S. (Patient Ref. No. L6530), reported to the clinic with complaints of psoriasis since 15 years. She had extensive lesions on her hands, arms,.....Read more

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