70 years old female presented with Lichen Planus with oozing of bloody discharge and burning pain; resistant to the conventional treatment.

This is the case of Mrs. N.S (Patient Ref. No. L-6795) a 70 years old housewife who reported to the clinic for her skin complaints. She had hypertrophic and hyperpigmented skin lesions on both her legs for 5 years. There was much scaling from the lesions and itching was very intense. The lesions would occasionally bleed on excessive scratching. These complaints would be worse in the damp weather and after sour and sweet foods. The itching would be worse at night. She later developed the infection of these lesions, probably due to excessive scratching. There was pus formation and bleeding from the lesions. The cellulitis had involved the lower half of both her legs. She had the burning type of pain that would be worse at night. She would feel slightly better after bathing the legs in hot water. The part was indurated on account of the cellulitis.

She also developed a fever with chills on account of the infection. Her appetite had markedly reduced after she developed the cellulitis and she had an intense thirst for large quantities of chilled water. She was feeling very weak in general and her sleep was disturbed due to the pain and the itching of the affected part.

Based on these symptoms she was prescribed homeopathic medicines for the cellulitis of both the legs. She was advised to do the dressing of the affected parts daily and to keep the part covered. After the first week of treatment, there was not much change in her condition and the cellulitis remained more or less the same. After the second week of medicines, her fever subsided and her chilliness improved significantly. Gradually the cellulitis began to improve and the bleeding from the lesions stopped. The pus discharge reduced significantly over the next few days. Her pain was under better control and she was not feeling the weakness anymore now. Her appetite also started improving and she did well in general.

This case shows us that the infective pathologies can be effectively tackled with homeopathy.

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61 years old, Mr. R. B. S. (Patient Identification Number - 17547) visited our center on 19th November, 2011 with the complaints of chronic recurrent cold. He had been suffering from this since more than 20 years. Since last 4 years he had sneezing, running nose, throat irritation, dry cough and .....Read more

An 11-year-old girl from Mumbai, Ms. S. K. (PIN: 43059) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for the complaint of an underactive thyroid on 18th June 2020. 

The patient visited our clinic for the treatment of her Vitiligo. She started treatment for vitilig.....Read more

Mrs. A.A.G. (Patient Identification No- 21671) visited Life Force on 19th September 2013 for her complaints of Urticaria.

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