8 months old infant with a genetic link of Atopic Deramtitis treated successfully with homeopathy in 6 months duration

This is a case study of 8 months old boy Mast A.U. M (Patient Identification Number 16846) suffering from Atopic Dermatitis (AD). His parents brought him to Life Force on 31st August 2011. He was suffering from Atopic Dermatitis since the last two months. He was having reddish lesions of AD on folds of hands, legs, scalp, neck and face. He would get severe itching on the affected area which would get worse in the evening. His sleep was disturbed due to the itching. There was oozing of clear fluid from the lesions of hands and legs.

He had used steroid cream in the past which was stopped since last one month. His parents started some homeopathic treatment from a local doctor since one month but there was no significant relief.

There was a family history of Atopic Dermatitis. His father had suffered from Atopic Dermatitis and his paternal grandfather had Tuberculosis.
His appetite was good. He would get profuse generalized sweating which would aggravate the itching. He would feel more comfortable in the cold weather. Bowel habits and Micturition were normal. His mother did not have any major illness during the pregnancy.

Mast A.U.M was an active and playful child. Because of the AD, he had become very cranky and irritable. His sleep was disturbed. He would scream and cry the whole night because of itching. His parents were very worried and frustrated because of his sufferings. It was becoming difficult for his parents to manage him.

His case details were studied by Dr. Rajesh Shah in and research based homeopathic medicine was prescribed. Her mother anxiously reported on 7th September that there is some increase in his AD. The lesions on the hands and the face had increased. It was explained to his mother that AD is a chronic and obstinate skin disease and there are natural ups and downs in the initial few weeks of the treatment. She was advised to use coconut oil or Vaseline.

She visited Life Force with Mast. A.U.M on 14th October to give his first follow up. There was 40-50% improvement in his Atopic Dermatitis. The lesions on the nape of neck, folds of hands had reduced. The itching was less by 30-40%. Oozing had reduced by 20-30%. He was still irritable and cranky. His feedback was studied by Dr. Shah and the medicines were upgraded.

His mother gave the next feedback on 30th November 2011. There was 20-30% further improvement in his Atopic Dermatitis. Lesions on the folds of skin, scalp, and neck had reduced. Itching was better by 50-60%. Oozing had stopped. His irritability was reduced and sleep had improved. His feedback was studied and medicines were prescribed. His mother happily visited Life Force on 10th January to give his further feedback. There was 90% improvement in his AD. The redness on the hands, face, legs and neck had completely reduced. Mild itching was there. The irritability and crankiness had reduced. He could sleep properly. He looked cheerful.

This case demonstrates that early cases of Atopic Dermatitis can be completely treated with the right homeopathic treatment.

(Uploaded on 25th Feb 2012 by Dr GAJ)

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