3 year old boy with Bronchitis & Frequent colds tretaed with homeopathy medicines

M. P., a 3 yr old boy was brought to the clinic (Patient Reference Number: 10780) by his parents with complaints of bronchitis. He was suffering with frequent cough and colds. They would appear once or twice a month lasting for 12-15 days each time. The cough would be accompanied by high fever with chest congestion. There was no breathlessness but he was put on inhalers which relieved him.

His appetite was average with marked aversion for milk. He preferred cold weather and there was marked intolerance to heat. His sleep was sound.

He was going into a playschool, was active and a cheerful child. His mother remarked he was well behaved and was extremely understanding for his age, would not be cranky or stubborn and would never demand for toys or other things to be brought.

While history taking his mother added she was suffering from Koch’s(tuberculosis) during pregnancy. She had completed the anti-koch’s treatment (AKT). They had got an X ray chest done for their son and it was normal.

Based on the above history Dr Rajesh Shah.MD prescribed the child research based medicines for bronchitis. Within 4 weeks of starting the medication, his cough reduced by 70%. The medicines were continued further. In the next 4 months the frequency and severity of his cough and cold had reduced remarkably. The mother reported he did not suffer from any cold or cough since the time the treatment was started. His appetite started improving. His general health improved. Occassionally there would be mild runny nose. But it subsided in two three days.

They continued with the treatment for 8 to 10 months for complete recovery. He did not suffer from severe cough anytime after starting with homeopathy and never had to take the inhalers or any other conventional medicine for it.

His parents were extremely happy for bringing back the smile in their child’s life and were grateful to Dr Rajesh Shah.

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