Steroid masked Psoriasis showed complete recovery with Dr. Rajesh Shah's homeopathic treatment.

Mr. M.J.P (Patient Identification Number 14878) visited Life Force on 24th September 2010 for the complaint of scalp Psoriasis. He was suffering since 2-3 months. Almost 50% of his scalp was affected with Psoriasis. There were thick scales coming out, with severe itching. It has started spreading behind ears. He was having mild lesions of Psoriasis on right thigh as well. He had applied Propysalic lotion on scalp for 1-2 months. He could not see any improvement with it. He was not on any medication since last 3 weeks.

There was a family history of autoimmune skin diseases in his family. His brother also had suffered from Psoriasis and maternal aunt was suffering from Lichen Planus and was getting treated under Dr. Rajesh Shah for the same. She was very satisfied with the treatment at Life Force and suggested Mr. M.J.P to get treated at Life Force.

His case details were taken by associate doctor. His appetite was good. He was fond of spicy food. Thirst and bowel movements were normal. He would perspire a lot on face. He would feel more comfortable in warm weather. Sleep was sound. He would get dreams about daily routine.

Mr. M.J.P had a business of tiles manufacturing. He would stay in nuclear family with his younger sister and father. He was short tempered and dominating. He would get angry if things are not done as per his wish. He could not tolerate any contradiction. He had many friends and always liked to be in company. He was social and helpful. He would like to enjoy life with friends. He would never share his inner emotions with others. He was frustrated with his Psoriasis. He would feel as his life has become restricted because of Psoriasis.

His case was studied by Dr. Rajesh Shah and constitutional medicine along with patented homeopathic medicines were prescribed. His response was slow in first 2-3 months of the treatment.

On 3rd December 2010 there was 10-20% improvement in his Psoriasis on right thigh. On scalp and behind ears it was same. Itching and scaling were there. There was no further spread. His feedback was studied and medicines were upgraded. There was no further improvement in his Psoriasis in next two months. His case was reviewed and revised medicines were prescribed.

On 14th April 2011, there was 40% improvement. Mild lesion on right thigh was reduced by 80%. Itching had reduced by 40%. Thick scales would still come out from scalp. He showed slow and steady improvement in all his further follow ups. On 25th October 2011, there was 60% improvement in his Psoriasis. On right thigh, it was reduced completely. Itching and scaling on scalp had reduced by 60%.

In next 6 months, he recovered almost 80%. There was mild itching on the scalp. Thick scales had reduced by 80%. He was advised to continue the treatment for complete recovery.

By 27th June 2012, he was completely recovered from his Psoriasis. Though his Psoriasis was of recent origin, he required long term treatment. But, he was very satisfied and happy to get rid of his obstinate skin disease.

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Mr. R. K. 32 yrs male (Patient Identification Number 15038) a resident of Andheri reported at Life force on 30th October 2010. He was diagnosed with Hepatitis B. He reported of other associated complaints of kidney stones and lumbar spondylosis. Onset of the disease: Mr R.K. .....Read more

Eight years, Miss S.S [PIN 16783], a chubby girl from Delhi was brought to Life Force for the treatment of her Vitiligo.

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