25 years old patient recovered significantly from psoriasis with homeopathic treatment

A 25 yrs old male Mr. S.S (PIN 15704) visited Life Force Center on 26th of March 2011 for psoriasis treatment.

He had psoriasis since 3 years. Started on both the legs and slowly spread over other body parts. There was much dryness with itching and redness over the affected parts. Peeling of skin and scaling was also present. His itching always aggravated after bath. His psoriasis started after he went for sea bathing 3 years back.

He had used propysalic cream for 1 year. Till the time he used this cream disease was controlled but as soon as he stopped it few months back psoriatic lesions started spreading rapidly over the other body parts which were never affected.

He had marked desire for sweets and juicy fruits. He could not tolerate cold weather.

Emotionally he was very sensitive. He had studied in USA and got a good job there. But he felt lonely there and had an argument with friends and decided to come back to India. He had become reserved and pessimistic.

There was a strong family history of Diabetes Mellitus but no history of Psoriasis.

After going through the case thoroughly Dr Shah prescribed him our research based medicine along with the constitutional medicine.

Within 8 weeks time his dryness reduced remarkably and the rate of spread of psoriasis was arrested.

After 4 months he described that the cracks reduced substantially. The legs were getting clear. There was no bleeding from the cracks or scaling. He was surprised to see 70% improvement in 4 months time.

He had been advised to continue the medicines for further recovery and to avoid relapses.

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Case Studies

Mrs. B. K. S, a 36 years old female (Patient Identification Number – 6875) visited our clinic on 17th July, 2004 for her Psoriasis. She had been suffering from Psoriasis since 3 years. It had started with the palms and then spread on the whole body. It had rapidly spread all over body in 8 .....Read more

A 25-year-old female graphic designer (PIN: 32431) visited our clinic for her small, itchy reddish eruptions on her extremities, chest abdomen, and face, which was quite irritating one. It had appeared 8 months back. She was already on steroids, but she had got no improvement with that. So, she w.....Read more


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