3.3-Years-Old Kid Found 95% Recovery From Asthma In Just 7 Months Of Homeopathic Treatment

3.3-years-old Miss A. J. (PIN 15981) availed our online treatment on 4th May 2011 for Asthma. She had the first severe episode of asthma in March 2011 which was treated with steroid inhalers and anti-allergic medications.

Now, just after a month, she was again suffering from a cough and breathlessness which was more severe than the first attack. She had a severe cough and running nose followed by a blocked nose. She would feel exhausted and sleepy but could not sleep. The change of weather and dust could have been the triggering factors.

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The local pediatrician had advised the same steroid inhalers to be taken for a longer duration. This time her parents decided to take the treatment from Dr. Shah as her twin sister was successfully treated for Atopic Dermatitis at Life Force.

In the reply to the questionnaire, the parents added that the asthma was more severe in the early morning around 4-5 am.

Her appetite was average.  She had a disliking for spicy food. She was more tolerant of the heat and warm weather.

There was no significant family history except her twin sister having Atopic dermatitis.

Her case details were by studied by Dr. Shah in detail, and he prescribed Natrum Sulphuricum along with the research-based medicines to the patient.

After 2 months of medication on 1st July 2011, she was 50% better. The frequency of her asthma had decreased. The duration of coughing which would trouble her day and night had significantly reduced to 1 – 2 hours a day. She could reduce the use of inhalers to once in 15 days as compared to daily. They were used only when her cough was severe.

After 4 months of medicines on 15th December 2011, parents reported 95% improvement in her condition. In the past 2 months, she did not suffer from a cough.  They had discarded the inhaler.

Her treatment was continued for another 3-4 months for maintenance and for preventing the further relapses.

Her father was very happy with the complete recovery of her daughter. They thanked Dr. Shah and the entire Life Force team for the successful treatment.

Some days ago, he sent an email filled with gratitude. It mentioned, “I have twin baby girls, both are your patient Anwesha was for Atopic dermatitis and Ashlesha for Asthma. Both the kids are now perfectly alright.”


This case highlights that’s homeopathy can help promote complete recovery from asthma in kids successfully and safely without any side-effects.

- Written by Dr. M. N. P, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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