A Patient Got Relief From Anxiety Neurosis & Regained His Confidence With Dr. Rajesh Shah’s Treatment

A 35-years-old male, Mr. S.B.B (PIN 10584) was suffering from anxiety neurosis since the last 4-6 months. His episodes would start with palpitations and chocked sensation in the throat. He was very anxious about his health. He would feel as if something will go wrong.

His complaints had started when his father was admitted to the hospital for heart complaints. His confidence was lowered. He would feel very anxious while talking to new people. He had taken allopathic medicines for 2 months, but it did not give him a significant relief.

He came to know about Life Force by one of his friends, who had taken treatment at Life Force for his IBS and found a significant relief. Mr. S.B.B visited Life Force on 14th April 2008. His case was taken in detail.

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He was also suffering from a backache for 3-4 years. He would experience dull aching pain in the lower back almost daily. He suffered from stiffness, mostly in the early morning. His pain would increase after standing for a long time and walking. He would get a temporary relief by massage and hot fomentation. He was not on any regular medication for his backache.

His appetite was average. He was fond of spicy food. He would not like sour things. His bowel habits were unsatisfactory. He would pass stools 4-5 times a day. He would feel fullness in the abdomen. His perspiration was profuse. He would feel more comfortable in the cold weather than any other. His sleep was disturbed due to the constant thoughts about his health.

Mr. S.B.B was an engineer, who was staying in a nuclear family with his parents, wife, and daughter. He was very impatient. He wanted to get the things done very fast, otherwise, he would get irritated. He was emotionally sensitive, particularly about the relations. He had anxiety about his health. He would feel as if he is suffering from some incurable disease. And, that had lowered his confidence level. He had started avoiding people. He would constantly think about his health.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied his case in detail and constitutional medicine and research-based homeopathic medicine were prescribed.

He reported 20%-30% improvement in his condition on 9th June 2008. His palpitations and chocked sensation in throat had reduced by 20-30%. His stools were unsatisfactory. Fullness feeling in his abdomen was as it is. His backache was better by 30%. His feedback was studied and his medicines were upgraded.

He submitted his further progress report on 29th August 2008. His relief from the complaints was better by 50%. Anxiety about his health was relieved by 50%. His palpitations and chocked feeling were also reduced. His stool frequency was 4-5 times a day. Fullness feeling in his abdomen was reduced. His backache relief was better by 40-50%. He would feel his confidence level had increased. His anxious feeling, while talking to new people, was reduced.

By 10th December 2008, he was 80% better. His palpitations and chocked feeling in the throat were reduced. His stool frequency was reduced to 2-3 times a day. There was no abdominal discomfort. His backache was better by 70-80%.

His confidence level had increased. He was very happy and satisfied with the treatment.


This case highlights that homeopathy not only relieves you of the symptoms and discomfort resulting due to anxiety neurosis but also boosts your confidence and improves your quality of life.

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