A Girl Gets Relief From Acne & Hair Fall In 1 Month With Homeopathy

A 22-years-old, young female (PIN 6679) was suffering from acne on her face since six years, and it was increasing rapidly since the last two months. There was pain, redness, itching, and pustular eruptions on her face. She was also suffering from severe hair fall (approximately 100 strands per day) and dandruff on her scalp. 

She used to acne during her menstrual cycles initially, but since the last two months, acne had been constantly present.

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Her menses were regular with moderate flow. She used various creams on her face for curing acne in the past, but they helped her temporarily.

She had an average appetite and liked spicy food. Her bowel movements and perspiration were normal. Her sleep was disturbed. 

She was reserved and sensitive by nature.

Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and gave her research-based medicines for acne. 

Within a month, her acne got reduced by 50%. Her hair fall was also drastically reduced to approximately 25 strands per day. Also, her sleep improved significantly.

She continued the treatment to get better control over her acne problem.


Homeopathy helps in treating the complaints of acne effectively. It also helps minimize hair fall resulting due to acne significantly.

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