Case-1: Successful treatment of Fibromyalgia in homeopathy

A young man Mr. S.S.K., aged 23 years, reported to Life Force for the treatment of Fibromyalgia.

He was suffering from back pain and generalized body ache and knee joints pain since 3 years. The knee pain would increase on walking for long duration, and after exertion. He had to sit down because of the pain, which was very intimidating for the patient.

For a 23 years young man, having to sit down with inability to walk, was quite a serious concern. He was examined by a couple of orthopedic surgeons who advised surgery.
Patient then took more opinions, until a rheumatologist diagnosed him as suffering from fibromyalgia.

He then decided to opt for homeopathy. Patient had a history of a mild trauma to right knee in the past and a history of sprain in the left knee long back.

His father was working in ONGC and his mother was working for the income tax department, he had a younger brother who was mentally retarded

Patient was a brave, responsible, caring, mature, calm, and understanding person. His brother is mentally retarded, violent, and aggressive; but patient manages him well. He tries to balance every thing; manages brother, handles parent’s emotions, he is very responsible, never gets angry on his brother.

He was taking tablet Gabantin for his pain. MRI of the knee joints and color doppler studies of both lower legs were normal. He was sensitive to cold. He had an average built. Patient was tall, fair and good looking. He was calm, and content. He denied any worries, was mature for his age, was very organized and had a pleasing personality.

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, prescribed Silica 30c and then later 200c and then 1M, infrequent doses.

In a span of 8 months there was very good improvement in all his complaints. The body pain was relieved, the knee pain came down very well, and he did not face any major pain attack in the past 6 months. The back pained no longer.

Dr Shah has advised 4 more months of treatment as maintenance. His dose of conventional medicine Gabantin was reduced and stopped over the period of time.

Fibromyalgia has a successful treatment in homeopathy.

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