Case-3: Remarkable improvement in PCOD and regularizing of menses

Miss. V.S.(11285) aged 23 had complaints of Polycystic Ovarian disease (PCOD). She had menses once in 4-5 months since menarche. Menses last for 3-4 days. Menses are profuse, blackish in color. She also experienced irritability when menses were due. She also experienced profound weakness.

Her USG Pelvis showed both ovaries bulky, with peripherally arranged sub centimeter follicles. Rt. Ovary 3.3x1.8 Cm Volume 5.3 Cm; Lt. Ovary 3.3x1.8 Cm Volume 5.9 Cm

She had craving for salt. Her bowel movements were unsatisfactory. She had diminished perspiration. She had sound sleep.

She was very irritable and did not like being contradicted. She was very short tempered.

Within 1 ½ months of treatment, she felt better. She had her periods by 1 month which were previously delayed. Her irritability also reduced.

Within 1 year of starting the treatment, her PCOD was better. She had regular periods at a month’s interval. Her weakness was also much better. Her irritability was also markedly reduced.

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A 51-year-old lady, Mrs. L.K. (PIN: 37074) visited the Chembur branch of Life Force on 6th June 2018 with her complaints of Hypothyroidism, which was accidentally detected during routine investigations in May 2018. She was experiencing an excessive hair fall. She would get tired easily, and she w.....Read more

Mr. K. M. S. (Patient Ref. No. L-7590), 55 year old male patient reported to us after being diagnosed as Chronic Hepatitis C since 4 years. He had multiple complaints like generalized weakness and fatigue. He would occasionally get flu-like symptoms; mild fever between 99-100ºF, occasional c.....Read more

A 58-years-old patient, Mr. D.N. (PIN: 18062) was diagnosed with genital herpes during one of his routine follow-up sessions. The patient was already under our treatment for his complains of erectile dysfunction, for which he was finding relief.

A detailed case history of his condition .....Read more

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