Case-1: happy to completely recover from Tinea Versicolor

Miss D.B.T aged 12 years (Patient Identification Number 13608) was suffering from extensive Tinea Versicolor since 3-4 months on upper chest, back, upper shoulder and upper arms. There was hypopigmented spot with very fine scales. She was not able to wear short sleeves or sleeveless dresses. It would itch mainly while sweating. She would get these hypopigmented spots after swimming. She came to know about effective approach of Life Force while searching on the internet regarding Tinea Versicolor. So, she decided to visit Life Force.

Her appetite was average. She had marked craving for sweets and aversions for spicy food. Her bowel and urination was normal. Her sleep was sound.

Her paternal grandparents were suffering from Diabetes Mellitus.

She was very friendly and extrovert. Her grasping power was very good. She was short tempered. She would get angry on silly matters and would express her anger by screaming and shouting.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed the medicines.

After the medications for 6 weeks, Tinea Versicolor reduced by 25%. Itching had also reduced.

After the intake of 2 months medicines, the Tinea Versicolor reduced by 70-80%. By this time itching had completely gone.

After the intake of 4 months medicines, she completely recovered from Tinea Versicolor. She was very happy.

Case studies of Tinea Versicolor:

Case 1
Case 2

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