An Aged Woman Greatly Recovered From Fisure-In-Ano with Life Force Treatment
A 63-years-old female patient, Mrs. U. G. (Patient Identification no- 19628) visited the Chembur branch on 10th August 2012 for her complaints of fissure-in-ano that she was suffering for 17 years but had increased since three years. She had hard stools that required pressure to pass, and at times she had to remove them by fingers. She suffered from a burning sensation in the anal region after passing stool. Sometimes, she suffered bleeding after passing the stools. All her complaints increased after eating non-veg, brinjal, and spicy food. Her burning used to get reduced after the application of warm water. She took Ayurvedic and Allopathic treatment for many years but experienced no change in her complaints.
She also had multiple complaints, such as schizophrenia, lumbar spondylitis, osteoarthritis, and urinary incontinence.
She was suffering from schizophrenia for the past 23 years. She suffered from spaciousness, auditory hallucination, and also felt that someone did black magic to her for that she was on Allopathic Rx. All her symptoms used to aggravate if she missed her dose.
She had lumbar spondylitis for seven years. She suffered from lower back pain and stiffness that used to get increased after exertion, waking, and used to get better by rest.
She had osteoarthritis of the knees for seven years. Pain in her knees used to get increased after exertion, waking, and used to get better by rest.
She suffered from urinary incontinence after her delivery. Urine dribbled while coughing, sneezing, and laughing.
She had an average appetite. He preferred a veg diet. She was very sensitive to both heat and cold. Her sleep was distributed, and she had dreams of her son.
Mrs. U. G. was a housewife. Her husband was a businessman. She lived with her son, daughter-in-law, and grandson. Her son was working but her daughter was not working due to health issues. Her grandson was suffering from Down syndrome. Financial problem was a concern in their family.
Her mother had Osteoporosis, and her grandson had Down’s syndrome.
She had pyorrhea for 15 years. Her cataract was operated on a few years back. She had an injury in her left hand operated.
She was fearful, a loner, and not interested in marriage, but her parents forcefully got her married. After marriage, her husband took proper care, symptoms of schizophrenia started later and the husband managed it well.
Now, she does not like to talk much and she turns suspicious.
Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed Caustium 30 C in addition to his research-based molecules for Fissure-in-ano and other complaints.
Mrs. U. G. visited for the first follow-up on 21st September 2012. Overall there was a 50 % improvement in her condition. Her burning after passing the stools, constipation, and bleeding was also reduced.
Later, she reported on 23rd March 2013. There was further improvement in her condition. Pain and bleeding in the anal region had reduced. Her knee pain and back pain was also reduced by 50%.
Later, a follow-up was given by her husband over the phone on 20th September 2013. There was a 75% improvement in her condition. Pain and bleeding from the anal region were much better. Constipation had reduced a lot. She didn’t require laxatives anymore.
When her husband gave feedback on 16th June 2014, there was a 75% improvement in her condition. Pain and bleeding had reduced a lot. Pain in her joints was also reduced.
Mrs. U. G. called on 13th March 2015 and gave her a follow-up. Fissure-in-ano had reduced by more than 80%. Other complaints, such as pain in joints, had also been reduced.
Later, her husband gave feedback over the phone on 15th April 2016. There was a 90% improvement. Constipation was also reduced by 70% Her bleeding had stopped. Backache and pain in lower limbs had reduced a lot.
Her husband visited the clinic on 17th March 2017 and reported that she was feeling more than 95% better. She did not suffer from pain and bleeding anymore. Her constipation was also cured, and she did not require any conventional treatment.
This case shows that homeopathy can help treat surgical diseases, such as fissure-in-ano, effectively when it’s in the early stages.
- Written by Dr. Ishwari, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah