Case-1: I no longer require antibiotics and pain killers for urinary complaints

A 45 years aged female, Mrs. A.I (PIN 9940) visited our center on 3 Sep 2007, with the complaints of recurrent urinary tract infections.

She had complaints of pricking pain while urinating, urgency to urinate, burning sensation and offensive urine. She was suffering from this complaint since the last one year and she was on conventional treatment with, antibiotics and some pain killers for the same, with minimal control. There was relapse immediately on stoppage of antibiotics and with frequency of urine- 15-20/day.

She was brought with lots of hope to Dr. Shah’s clinic for treatment.

She also had an associated complaint of ‘heat sensation’ all over the body which was not relieved by any thing.

On inquiring about her personal details, she was a hot patient. Her diet was average with normal thirst.

Her husband was working in Dubai. She was a mother of two small kids, on more probing it was observed that feeling of loneliness and the responsibility of the children made her more anxious and she was suffering from anticipatory anxiety, which was the main reason for her complaint.

There was no significant major illness in her family. Her paternal grand father had heart disease and maternal grandfather was a diabetic.

Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and advised her to get her routine urine checked. She was prescribed Medorrhinum.

In the first 2 months of medication her urinary complaint like pain while urinating, urgency to urinate, and burning sensation while urinating reduced however her heat sensation all over the body persisted.

In the next follow up after 2 months she reported with new complaint of recurrent colds and there were no pain while urinating and burning were reduced

This state was persistent along with burning all over body for 4 more months.

In the next follow up after 2 months she reported with no complaint of frequent colds, recurrent UTI was better by 60 % and the urgency of urination was better too.

She did not require antibiotics any more.

For the next 1 year she was treated with Homeopathic medication prescribed by Dr. Shah and she had no recurrence in her urinary complaints and heat sensation all over the body was also relieved.

Her colds also settled.

Till date she has never required antibiotics and pain killers and she has never again suffered from urinary complaints.

(Uploaded by Dr. PSM on 27th December 2011)

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