Case-1: Complete recovery with no relapse of hoarseness of voice or migraine.

37 years old teacher Mrs. R. S. (Patient Identification Number - 9142) visited our clinic on 29th of November 2006. She was suffering from Hoarseness of voice since 2004. She had pain in her throat while talking. She used to clear her throat frequently which gave her mild relief initially. She would feel shortness of breath and gasp for breath. Her condition had worsened so much that she had to leave her job as she had to talk for long hours.

She had an associated complaint of Migraine. She complained of unbearable throbbing pain. She had such episodes once or twice every week. Her complaints were aggravated when she went out in sun and when she used to fast and tried to control her hunger.

She was a vegetarian. She liked eating salty and spicy food and disliked eating sweet food. Her thirst, sleep, urine, bowel movements were normal. She had regular menstrual cycle. She preferred cold weather.

She was a house wife since past 10 months. Her husband was an accountant. She had one daughter who was studying in 5th Std.

She was irritable and fastidious by nature. She could not tolerate imperfection in any work. She did not like staying alone. She felt neglected by her in laws as she had love marriage and she belonged to a different religion. She was ambitious but due to her health problem i.e.:- hoarseness of voice she felt irritable as she could not do what she wanted.

Dr. Shah prescribed her research based medicines after studying her case in detail. She visited us for her first follow up on 27th of December 2006. She had mild improvement in hoarseness of voice and now she did not need to clear her throat that often. Her complaint of shortness of breath was still the same. There was only one episode of migraine since she started the treatment with us, as compared to 1-2 episodes every week.

She visited on 27th January 2007. Her hoarseness of voice had remarkable improvement. The pain in her throat had reduced by 50%. There was mild improvement in shortness of breath. There was only one episode of migraine since last follow up. The severity of pain had reduced up to 30%.

She visited us on 2nd March 2007. She had good relief in hoarseness of voice and pain in her throat had reduced up to 75%. She had considerable relief in shortness of breath. She had no episode of migraine since last follow up.

She had visited us on 23rd October 2013 for some other complaint regarding her menses. She was glad to report that after attaining complete recovery in 2007 there was no relapse of hoarseness of voice or migraine.
Uploaded on 23rd November 2013 by Dr. I. R.

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Case 2

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