A Lady Got A Great Relief From Acne With Homeopathy

A 31-years-old homemaker, Mrs. K. F. availed our treatment for acne. She enrolled for the treatment on 30th March 2010. She had complaints of acne, which she was suffering since a few months on her chin and cheeks. There were tiny red papular eruptions with no pain or itching. There were more hyperpigmented marks present. She reported that her acne increased before menses. She was also experiencing hair fall since two years.

She was very anxious and was getting panic attacks since 1 – 2 years. She was also facing some marital stress in the past few years.

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Her appetite was reduced, and she liked sweets. She had a tendency to sweat profusely on her palms and soles. She was sensitive to the cold weather. Her menses were regular. Her sleep was disturbed.

She was a homemaker, and her husband was a businessman. She had a 10-years-old son and a 5-years-old daughter.

She could relate to her health deterioration due to marital stress. She was feeling unhappy and insecure in her marriage. She was suspicious of her husband having an extra marital affair. There were feelings of hatred, betrayal, jealousy, and anger for her husband present in her mind. She was staying with her husband only for the sake of her children.

Her case details were studied and analyzed by Dr. Shah, and medicines prescribed were Sepia 200c 2 doses and Silicea 200c 2 doses along with a research-based medicine.

She visited our clinic on 7th May 2010 with a significant improvement in her acne. The hyperpigmented marks were as it is. Her prescription was upgraded.

On 18th June 2010, she reported with a further improvement in her acne. The relief from hair fall was considerably better than earlier. The anxiety and panic attacks were mildly relieved.

She is continuing the treatment for her other complaints for complete relief and recovery.


Homeopathy is quite effective in treating acne and hair fall in a short time span.

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Case Studies

A 26-year-old male, Mr. H.K.Y. (PIN: 40820) visited Life Force Homeopathy on 4th August 2019 with the complaint of Irritable bowel Syndrome, from which he was suffering for 6 years since 2012, and it was progressing from past a one and half years. During the case taking, he mentioned t.....Read more

A 15-year-old girl, Miss M.B. (PIN:  32261) visited Life Force on 27th May 2017 for treating her complaint of Lichen Planus which she was suffering approximately from 1 year. During the case taking, she mentioned that her skin condition was progressing further. The history of heav.....Read more

A 44-year-old male from Bangalore, Mr. N.K. (PIN: 35229) started online treatment at Life Force on 13th January 2018 for his complaints of vitiligo. 

He was suffering from it from the past year. He was having hypopigmented, i.e. white spots, on his underarms, groins, and eyelids. T.....Read more

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