Trigeminal Neuralgia pain increasing since 4 months, 90% relief achieved

46 years old home maker, Mrs. J. G. (Patient Identification Number - 19721) visited our Borivali clinic on 21st August, 2012 with her husband. She had been suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia since a year. She had left sided TN and the pain was gradually increasing since 4 months. The frequency of attack would be daily for 2 – 3 seconds with severe intensity. The electric shock like pain would radiate from left cheek to ear. She would feel heaviness on the left side of the face. The pain would be triggered by: slightest movements of the face, chewing, draft of air, talking and brushing of teeth. She had been taking tegretol 200mg twice a day since last 2 months.

She also complained of psoriasis in palms since a year. She had been taking ayurvedic medicines for this and finding good relief.

Her appetite had reduced. She liked salty food. She was sensitive to warm temperature. Her sleep was disturbed with frightful dreams.

She was staying in a nuclear family with her husband and a daughter. Her husband was working in a company. Her daughter was studying.

She was sensitive and worrisome by nature. She kept worring about small things, about the future, finances etc. She was worried about her daughter’s future. This was the stress which triggered her ailments.

Her father was suffering from diabetes. Her mother and brother were suffering from high blood pressure.

Her case details were studied by Dr. Shah and she was prescribed research based medicines.

She visited on 1st October and reported 40% relief in her Trigeminal Neuralgia. The pain frequency, duration and intensity were significantly reduced. The heaviness has also decreased significantly. She had been able to stop her tegretol since 2 weeks.

She visited on 19th November with 90% relief in her complaints. Her pain frequency, duration and intensity were further reduced.

She is very happy with the treatment and hopes to be cured forever.

Homeopathy when taken early in cases of trigeminal neuralgia can provide excellent results within few weeks.

Uploaded by Dr. M.N.P. on 22 November 2012

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