Outstanding Recovery From Anxiety Achieved With Homeopathy Eliminating The Dependency On Allopathy

Mr. B.S. (PIN 12905) was brought to the clinic for the treatment of depression and hypertension. He was suffering from depression from about the last five to six years, but his complaints had aggravated over the last two to three years.

All his complaints started due to severe anxiety. Both his parents developed myocardial infarcts (heart attack) in an interval of a few days. So, he was under severe stress at that time. His father was in the hospital for around four to five months. The treatment was very expensive, and, later on, his father developed one-sided paralysis.

The patient was hardly 25 years old at that time, and he had never dealt with such a crisis till then so it led to severe anxiety and worry. He developed high blood pressure as a response to stress. He was on tablet Diovan 80 mg and tablet Stamlo 5 mg, both once a day.

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Not only he faced the emotional stress of his father’s illness, but also he had to meet the challenge of paying off the cost of the treatment.

Being the eldest son, the responsibility was on his shoulders. He plunged into work head-on and established a very sound business. All his thoughts were for earning money to repay the loan taken for his father’s treatment.

After fulfilling the financial responsibility, he faced challenges on the home front. He had a very strained relationship with his wife. His wife did not get along with his parents; she would spill out her anger on him. Both would get angry and quarrel with each other. His wife was of a strong nature, and she would not bow down. She would also oppose the patient just for the sake of opposition. The patient felt that she is narrow-minded. There was so much hatred that now he did not even feel like talking with her.

The patient had a nature of brooding, and he could neither forgive nor forget. Last year was rather difficult for him because of health, depression, general recession making difficulties in business and finance, and quarrels at home. He was completely lost. He was very anxious about everything. He described himself as a quite short-tempered person.
He said that his mind had become very dull, and his thought process was also very inactive. He had a memory loss.

He had become very lethargic, and he didn’t have an interest in anything. He wanted to be alone, and he did not want to talk to anyone. He was feeling very dull and wanted to sleep all the time. He was always feeling very drowsy. There was no enthusiasm left in him, and he used to often get angry at his wife.

Many times, along with these symptoms, his head and eyes would become very heavy. He had a lot of depression, he wouldn’t initiate contacts with the old customers so he had a loss in business. He felt sleepy even while eating; he just could not resist sleeping. He said, “I can fall asleep even while talking with someone.’’

He had a lot of insecurity for the future, as there was a recession and he was getting worried about thinking what is going to happen in the future. He was also getting too much worried about his health. He always procrastinated his work. He was always irresolute and with a dual mind. He had become indecisive.

Along with depression, he had other (somatic) complaints too. He used to snore a lot, so he used to feel that all his complaints are because of snoring. He had hypertension and was on anti-hypertensive tablets. He always complained of body ache. Many times, he used to have acidity and retrosternal burning. In the last year, he also complained of erectile dysfunction. He also had recurrent throat infections. He was a very obese person. He used to keep on overeating. He also had tooth pain, as he used to eat supari.

He was a pure vegetarian, and he had an excessive appetite. He used to sweat a lot all over the body. He was a hot patient, and he couldn’t tolerate heat at all. He was a very obese person. He couldn’t even get proper sleep in the night as he used to keep on thinking continuously.

There was a history of paralysis and bypass surgery observed in his family.

On the basis of the above history, his case was evaluated according to the homeopathic protocols and Dr. Shah gave him an appropriate remedy along with his other research-based medicines.

Within the 4-6 months of the treatment, it was observed that his depression was much better and he was feeling very good. His relief from all the body pain and joints pain was better than earlier. Along with that, his blood pressure had also reduced and he was also relieved of his acidity.

In around one year of the treatment, he could discontinue his allopathic medicines for blood pressure. The symptoms of his anxiety and depression had reduced by around 80%-90%. He was counseled about the virtue of forgiveness. He patched up with his wife and was feeling much calm and relaxed. He resumed his regular business activity. (He gained a bit more weight due to the ensuing happiness).

Now, his main concerns are obesity and snoring, which he feels have not been addressed by homeopathy.

He acknowledged a lot of improvement in his depression and hypertension. He has been advised diet and exercise.


This case demonstrated the effects of stress on the mind and the body. This patient had developed anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, acidity, joints pain, and other discomforts. All of these complaints were successfully relieved with the right homeopathic treatment.

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