He Overcame Vitiligo and now provides hope and guidance to other patients.

Mr. B. C aged 26 years (Patient Identification number 9337) visited Life Force on 6 Feb 2007, with the complaint of Vitiligo from last 4 months. He had sporadic white patches on many parts of the body, on abdomen, on legs, and on hands.

He had many vitiligo spots around the eyes. This was muco-cutaneous involvement of the body. His Vitiligo spots were rapidly increasing.

He has average appetite. He has marked cravings for spicy food. He would perspire profusely, which was offensive in nature. His bowels were constipated.

His father expired in an accident. His brother had Vitiligo and maternal grandfather expired due to Cancer.

He works in the navy. His childhood was very stressful as his father expired when he was just one year old. His mother remarried and since then he was neglected by his mother. He was devoid of his mother’s love. He would be confused as to whether his mother loved him or not, as his mother always approached him for money. He is very helping by nature, he would help people with whom he did not have good relations in past. He is hard working, he wanted to become an officer and was pursuing higher studied for same. He is a perfectionist by nature.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed research based medicines along with constitutional homeopathic medicine for Vitiligo.

After three months of medications, re-pigmentation was seen on hands, abdomen and around eyes but on legs there was no improvement and there was appearance of new spots as well. He continued the medicines.

After 8 months of treatment, along with improvement there was appearance of new spots as well. But the pace of the disease process was slowed down. He was advised to continue the treatment. At one point of time his Vitiligo was stable and further improvement was not seen. When enquired, patient revealed about his exams and work stress. Also, he presented us with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) with swelling over joints. So, Dr. Shah made some necessary changes in the prescription and he was given treatment for his RA also.
After one year of treatment there was no appearance of new spots. There was around 80% improvement in the patches on his eyes, on hands and around 50% improvement on his legs. Re-pigmentation on abdomen was completely seen by this time. There was good improvement in his joint pain and swelling over joints.

After two years of treatment, he was considerably better in Vitiligo and RA. He is still continuing the treatment for further improvement.
He has recovered by around 80 % in all the Vitiligo spots.
The spots had caused an impediment to his plans for marriage, and also in promotions. He was refused selection in the diving department.
He was recognized as the one with the “white spots”.
After substantial recovery in his Vitiligo, he is now an “advisor for Vitiligo treatment”. People approach him to ask for his doctor. He proudly tells patients to take Homeopathy for Vitiligo.

Uploaded by Dr. Z.A. on 19 April 2012.

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Mr. K.J.V. (PIN 6667) is an old patient of Life Force. He is retired and stays in Vapi. He takes Dr Shah’s treatment for all his health issues. He is a firm believer in Homeopathy. He is 73 years old and promotes Homeopathy. On 20 April 2010 he presented himself at the center with a new pro.....Read more

25 years old Ms. K. R. S. (Patient Identification Number - 21825) resided in Australia for further studies. Her father was taking treatment for gout(joint pains) for himself. He had good improvement so he wanted to start homeopathic treatment for his daughter. She was absent but her father gave h.....Read more

A 55 years old gentleman Mr MBD (PIN 18368), came all the way from Pune, India, traveling 150 km, on 25th February 2012. He got registered as a case of Psoriasis. He was suffering from this chronic disease for 5 months.


The disease started from his right thumb and was s.....Read more

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