My eight year old warts disappeared completely with homeopathy within eight months...

A young boy R.S., (Patient Identification Number 13060) was brought to Life Force Center by his parents for the treatment of warts. He was suffering from recurrent complaints of warts since eight years. When he came to us there were warts on the left index finger tip, a cluster of warts on right leg and on nose. He had similar warts on the chest and right knee joint as well. He was extremely uncomfortable with these warts and would feel ugly in front of his friends. Two years ago he had surgically removed the warts but they kept on recurring. He reported he suffering from headache since four months. The headaches would occur almost everyday, the pain was severe, with little relief from analgesics. His appetite was average with marked craving for salt. He added he would have excessive perspiration on palms and soles. He preferred cold weather as compared to the heat. He was the only son of a reputed businessman and his mother was a lawyer. His parents remarked he was always a stubborn child with lot of aggression. He would have frequent conflicts with his teachers in college, he would be quite irregular due to this and had missed his examinations for a year. He felt awkward amongst his friends due to this and had low confidence. There was anger with revengefulness. He was disinterested in studies. He was under counseling and had restarted with his first year in engineering college. This incident was a very sensitive issue for him and he would not prefer to talk about it. His sister had a history of warts and acne as well. His case was studied in detail by Dr Rajesh Shah and the research based medicines for warts were prescribed to him. Patient reported after eight weeks with reduction in the size of the warts on the right leg. The warts on index finger were the same. There was discomfort due to the wart on finger, it was increasing in size. His headache was better by 25%. Dr Shah made certain changes in the medicine and prescribed him the further course of medication. He reported after eight months, the warts on hs left finger, nose and right leg had completely disappeared. He was extremely happy and so were his parents. His mother added she noticed change in his behaviour. He was less irritable and more tolerant. This case illustrates the sheer excellence of homeopathy in the removal of warts without any surgical intervention.
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An 11-year-old female child (PIN: 29901) approached Life Force along with her parents with the problem of vitiligo affecting the genital area in September 2016. Hypopigmented patches, which initially appeared pinkish, later, turned to dull spots and that started getting brighter. No itching was p.....Read more

A 66-years-old elderly male, Mr. V. B. (PIN 10370) reported to our clinic with bleeding piles which he was suffering from the last 15 years. He used to pass frank blood every day after the stools. He also complained of soreness and irritation after passing the stools. His stools were satisfactory.....Read more

A 48-years-old lady, Mrs. P.K. (PIN: 36341) started treatment from Life Force on 31st March 2018 for her complaint of allergic rhinitis.

She was experiencing a complaint of allergic rhinitis since birth. The symptoms were sneezing, watery/fluent coryza, obstruction in the nose, occipita.....Read more

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