Mrs. U.J aged 46 years, [PIN 11729] reported to the center for the complaints of joints pain and allergic rhinitis.

Mrs. U.J aged 46 years, [PIN 11729] reported to the center for the complaints of joints pain and allergic rhinitis. She was suffering from pain and stiffness in her knee, elbow and shoulder joints. The pain was more since the past six months. She had severe pain in the early morning. She was on pain killers and calcium supplements. Her RA test was mildly positive. She was also on calcium supplements. She was also suffering from allergic rhinitis. She had colds for around four to five days, every one to two months. She also complained of headaches. She was a stout lady. She was fair and good looking. She was a home maker. Her husband was a C.A. working in a reputed company. She had two children; both were highly educated, both were studying in the IIT. She was sensitive to cold weather. She had a very strong personality. She was irritable and aggressive in nature. She was dominating and a strict disciplinarian. Since the last two years, since her children were in hostel, she felt very lonely. She was emotionally disturbed. Her sleep was reduced. She also faced menopausal symptoms. Her husband was calm and supportive, however some times he would also loose his patience and a quarrel would ensue. She would then remain quiet for several days. She would get irritated over small matters, if the cook was late, she would shout, if the maidservant did not clean the room properly, she would get upset. She herself could not grapple with this change in the temperament. She liked sweets and spicy food. Sour food would aggravate her joints pain. Dr Rajesh Shah studied her case and prescribed Sepia 30 C and later on 200 C. At intervals, she was also given few doses of Thuja 200 C. She reported very good recovery within six months of treatment. The joint pains were relieved, the pain and stiffness was cured. The frequent colds reduced by around 90 %. She saw improvement in her temperament; she had become calm and happier. ( Uploaded on 8th Oct 2011 by Dr. ADP)
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A 6-years-old girl from Mumbai, Baby A.J Singh (PIN: 27012) approached Life Force on Oct 2015 for treating her Tinea Corporis.

She suffered from the complaints of fungal infection which was in the form of slight hyperpigmented pruritic skin with reddish elevated edges since 2-3 years on.....Read more

Lichen Planus: Lichen planus is an inflammatory condition of the skin and mucus membranes. Lichen planus occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks cells of the skin or mucous membranes.
On the skin, lichen planus appears as purplish, itchy, and flat-topped bumps. On mucous membranes.....Read more

Mrs. K.V.M., 43 years old beautician visited Life Force on 4th November 2011. She was accompanied by her husband. Her Patient Identification Number is 17403. She was suffering from Herpes Simplex since 4 – 5 years. Her complaints had increased and had been constant since the last 5 months. .....Read more

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