My viral load reduced from 115 IU/ml to less than 20 IU/ml within 4 months of Dr Shah's medicines..

Mr. R. K. 32 yrs male (Patient Identification Number 15038) a resident of Andheri reported at Life force on 30th October 2010. He was diagnosed with Hepatitis B. He reported of other associated complaints of kidney stones and lumbar spondylosis. Onset of the disease: Mr R.K. gave history that one month back he was suffering from abdominal pain. On sonography he was detected with renal calculi and fatty liver. On further blood investigations on the 13th October 2010 he was diagnosed to be suffering from Hepatitis B. Mr R.K. was in a state of shock and it was difficult for him to believe that he was Hepatitis B positive. He thought about the probable causes of it and revealed to us they could either be dental treatment or past extra marital relationships. The lower back pain was since 1-2 months, which on X ray confirmed as Lumbar Spondylosis. Reports submitted: On 12th October 2010: Viral load was 115 IU/ml Hepatitis C – Negative Australia antigen – Positive X-ray LS Spine – Narrow L4-L5 disc space, Spondylosis of L5. Past Treatment: He started taking Allopathic treatment for Hepatitis B (liver tonic) from a well known Gastro-enterologist in Mumbai. For kidney stones he did not start with any treatment. He was advised to go for Physiotherapy as far as Lumbar Spondylitis was concerned. Personal History: Patient was non vegetarian by choice. He preferred chicken and fish. He used to have alcohol and cigarettes almost everyday, but stopped it before starting with the homeopathic treatment. He would sweat profusely all over the body. Emotional sphere: Patient was reserved by nature. He hardly shared his emotions with others. He was found to be anxious, most of the times. His recently diagnosed Hepatitis B added more stress in his mind. He had extra marital affairs about which he regretted now and confided everything to his wife. After initial disputes his wife accepted him with his past and now is quite supportive. Emotionally he is very sensitive as he cannot handle his emotions without support. Family history: His father expired 10 yrs back because of alcoholic liver failure. Mother has high blood pressure, diabetes and joints pain. At Life Force: The case study of the patient was studied in detail by Dr Rajesh Shah, M.D.(Hom). He was given constitutional medicines (considering emotional sphere and body) on 30th October 2010. Medicines gave him relief in his back pain and abdominal pain as noted on 13th December 2010. He was continued on the same medicines for 2 months. On 21st February when patient visited the clinic with his wife, both were very happy as sonography showed no stones in the kidney and most importantly the viral load came down to less than 20IU/ml. His liver enzymes were found to be in normal limits. It is this hallmark of Homeopathy treatment that constitutional medicine when given after detail case study; stimulates the self healing power of body to help recover from the disease. Mr R.K. responded very well to medicines. Within 4 months, the viral load reduced from 115 to less than 20. This was significant improvement. The kidney stones were eliminated with homeopathy medicines. He is presently asymptomatic as far as kidney and liver is concerned. His back pain is minimal. He is continuing with Homeopathy and Physiotherapy for best results.
Investigation (View reports )Before Treatment (12th October 2010)After Treatment (8th January 2011)
Hepatitis B Viral Load115 IU/MLBelow 20 IU/ML
SonographyLeft pelvi ureteric junction calculusBoth Kidneys normal
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