Cellulites treated with homeopathy in three weeks.

A patient Mr. N.S. (Patient Identification Number 17951) reported at Life Force on 11 January 2012. He was suffering from cellulites on his nose. He had developed pain and redness on the nose since six days. He had become febrile since the last two days. He had consulted a dermatologist, who had diagnosed it as herpes zoster. Dr. Shah examined him and ruled out herpes zoster. Just for final confirmation, we conducted a blood test got herpes zoster, which came up negative.
He had severe pain and would not allow us to touch his nose. He was software professional. Dr Shah examined him and prescribed Hepar Sulphuricum 30c, to be taken 4 pills, 4 times a day for three weeks. He reported to the center on 31 January 2011. There was complete recovery in the cellulites.

Uploaded on 15th Feb by Dr. ADP

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A 28-years-old girl, Ms. A.J.M. (PIN- 29899) consulted at Life Force for her Lichen Planus Pigmentosa complaint on the 27th September 2016. She had developed dark hyperpigmented spots scattered on her forearms, abdomen, back, both thighs, and neck since seven-eight years. 

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Master S. C. (Patient ref. no: L6910), 10 years old child was brought to the clinic by his parents for complaints of urticarial rashes since last 2 months. The patient would develop rashes all over his body beginning from his neck and then spreading downwards to involve the whole of his body. The.....Read more

A 77-year-old female patient, Mrs. S.Z.R. (PIN: 37775) came to Life Force with the problem of the frequent cold. The patient visited the Thane branch where one of the centers of Life Force is located. She preferred meeting the doctor in person for her chronic ailment. She had the problem of frequ.....Read more

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