Chronic genital Herpes treated effectively with Dr. Rajesh Shah's homeopathic treatment.

Mr. A.S.W (Patient Identification Number 16457) was suffering from genital Herpes since one and half years. He would get severe Herpes vesicles on the genitals, almost once in a month or two. Each acute flare up would last for 3-5 days. He would get burning pain on the private parts during the flare up. He was on T Acyclovir 800 mg. He had to take it once in 1-2 months, to control the acute episodes. But the recurrence of the condition was not prevented. His complaints would get worse in humid and hot weather weather. He wanted to get rid of it completely. He read about Dr. Rajesh Shah and his homeopathic treatment for Herpes on the internet. He examined all the information and case studies on the website and decided to get treated under Dr. Rajesh Shah. He visited Life Force on 14th July 2011. He narrated all the details to the associate doctor. He had a family history of Cancer and brain tumour. His appetite was average. He was fond of sweets. He would not like sour food. Thirst and bowel habits were normal. Perspiration was average. He was more tolerant to warm weather. Sleep was sound. Mr. A.S.W was an engineer, working with private company. He was hard working and would enjoy his work. He was satisfied with his work. He was religious. He would not get stressed up easily. He would like to analyze the situtiaon and then react to it. He was staying with his friends in Mumbai and his family was in Delhi. He was calm and fun loving person. He would like to travel. He was emotionally sensitiive; but would not react immediately. His case was studied in detail by Dr. Rajesh Shah. On examination, there were small vesicles on the private parts. He was prescribed constitutional medicine along with research based homeopathic medicine. He reported on 8th September 2011. There was 10-20% improvement in his complaints. He had two flare ups in last 2 months. Intensity of the complaints was better by 10-20%. He had to take anti viral medicine during both the episodes. His further course of medicine was prescribed. There was 30-40% improvement in his complaints on 2nd January 2012. He had only one sever flare up in last 3-4 months. Intensity of the complaints was better by 30-40%. Burning pain was better by 30-40%. His feedback was studied and medicines were upgraded. On 2nd May 2012, he reported 70% improvement. The frequency of flare ups was reduced to once in 5-6 months. Burning was better by 70%. He did not have to take antiviral medicine. By 4th Ocetober 2012, he was 90% recovered from his chronic Herpes infection. He had mild episode once in 6 months. Burning pain and intensity of eruptions were better by 90%. He could stop the antiviral medicines. He was very happy to get rid of his chronic Herpes.
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Case Studies

Master. Z.A.K. (Patient Identification Number: 18688) 12 years old male patient visited Life Force on 26/3/2012 for his complaints of Nephrotic Syndrome.

He was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome at 4 years of age. He would get a relapse atleast 3-4 times in a year which would last for 1.....Read more

Mr. V.T. aged 32 years (Patient Identification Number 17682) reported to the clinic with the complaint of Vocal Cord Nodule on 7 December 2011 He was facing difficulty in speaking and he had throat pain. He was having hoarsenss of voice and his voice pitch had reduced and he couldn`t speak loudly.....Read more

Mrs. V.K aged 45years (Patient Identification Number 16067) visited Life force on 17th May 2011 for the treatment of Lichen Planus. She was suffering from Lichen Planus on almost all over the body since 2 months. She was taking ayurvedic treatment but there was no significant improvement.

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